Classroom objects
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Focus Vocabulary
Description Are you ready to go back to school? MasterBlaster will help you learn the basic vocabulary you will need there.
Instructions 1- Look at the words and think of its meaning (and maybe pronunciation)
2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer.
3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Pronunciation Comments
desk pupitre /desk/
notebook cuaderno /nəʊtbʊk/
chair silla /tʃeə*/
wastebasket papelera /weɪstbɑ:skɪt/
felt-tip rotulador, marcador /feltɪp/
eraser goma de borrar (AmE) /ɪreɪzə*/
ruler regla /ru:lə*/
thumbtack chincheta ʌmtćk/
crayon lápiz de color /kreɪən/
blackboard pizarra /blćkbɔ:d/
pen bolígrafo, pluma /pen/
pencil case estuche /pensəl keɪs/
rubber goma de borrar (BrE) /rʌbə*/
pencil sharpener sacapuntas /pensəl ʃɑ:pnə*/
chalk tiza /tʃɔ:k/
stapler grapadora /steɪplə*/
book libro /bʊk/
scissors tijeras /sɪzəz/
Total number of items: 18
This is an activity from Multimedia-English