Classroom Language: expressions -L2b
Focus Expressions
Description Learn some important expressions to use in the classroom. ENGLISH - SPANISH
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Meaning
I have to go out fifteen minutes earlier. Is it ok? Tengo que salir quince minutos antes, ¿puedo?
I don't know that 'cause that day I was missing No me lo sé porque ese día falté
Don't write on the table! No rayes la mesa!
Pass these photocopies on, please Pasa estas fotocopias, por favor
Excuse me, the sun is bothering me, can I shut the blind? Perdone, me está molestando el sol, ¿puedo bajar la persiana?
I've got a photocopy missing Me falta una fotocopia
Can I borrow your pencil for a minute? Me dejas el lápiz un momentito?
Do we have to hand it in? Se lo tenemos que entregar/dar?
Can I go to the toilet, please? I really have to Puedo ir al baño, por favor? Ya no aguanto más
What page are we on En qué página estamos?
Can you write it more clearly? Lo puedes escribir con más claridad?
There are three people missing today Hoy faltan tres personas
We're not done yet Todavía no hemos terminado
It wasn't me, sir, I wasn't talking No era yo, profe, yo no estaba hablando
I can't read the board because there's a reflection No veo bien el encerado porque me da reflejo
How much time left have we got? Cuánto tiempo nos queda?
You have to make a fair copy of your composition Tienes que pasar tu redacción a limpio
Can we stand? Nos podemos poner de pie?
Are you done yet? Has acabado ya?
Can I have a photocopy of that thing you gave the last day? Me puede dar una fotocopia de eso que repartió el último día?
It's a bit stuffy in here Está el ambiente cargado / huele a cerrado
Sorry, I didn't understand a word you said Lo siento, no me he enterado de nada de lo que ha dicho
What is my percentage of attendance? Qué porcentaje de asistencias tengo?
Can I sit in a different place? Me puedo cambiar de sitio?
That's it! Ya está!
Can I sit nearer? I forgot my glasses Puedo ponerme más cerca? Se me olvidaron las gafas
Take one and pass it on Toma una y pasa el resto
Is that bothering you? Te molesta?
Is it ok if I write it in rough? Lo puedo hacer en sucio?
I don't understand your handwriting No entiendo tu letra
It's not my fault, it's Richard's. I wasn't doing anything No es culpa mía, es de Richard. Yo no estaba haciendo nada
We've got three photocopies too many Nos sobran tres fotocopias
Finish up, it's almost the time Ve acabando, es casi la hora
Can you write it more strongly? We can't see it well Lo puede escribir más fuerte? No lo vemos bien
Can you move over? Puedes apartarte/echarte a un lado?
I can't read because my voice is cracked No puedo leer porque estoy afónico
Will this be on the exam? Esto entra en el examen?
What exercise did you say? Qué ejercicio ha dicho?
Is it ok if I open the window? It's too stuffy Le parece si abro la ventana? Está el ambiente muy cargado
Has anyone got a spare pencil Alguien tiene un lápiz que me pueda prestar?
I've got it on the tip of my tongue Lo tengo en la punta de la lengua
Total number of items: 41
This is an activity from Multimedia-English