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Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn vocabulary with this interactive game based on the song Insatiable, by the Australian singer Darren Hayes.
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
'cause /kɒz/  because
scent /sent/  perfume; nice smell
chase away /tʃeɪs əw/  force to go away, send away
linger /lɪŋgə/  persist; stay longer than expected
turn the lights down /tɜ:n ðə laɪts daʊn/  reduce the brightness of the lights
below /bɪləʊ/  in a lower level; under
revolve /rɪvəʊlv/  spin, turn around its axis
stain /steɪn/  a dirty spot on your clothes or skin
turn me on /tɜ:n mi: ɒn/  get me excited
bathe /beɪð/  have a bath; impregnate, cover with something
church /tʃɜ:*tʃ/  Christian temple
barely /blɪ/  hardly, almost not
take your clothes off /teɪk jɔ:* kləʊðz ɒf/  undress, remove your clothes
let it go /let ɪt gəʊ/  stop keeping control
breathe out /bri:ð aʊt/  expel air out of your body
breathe in /bri:ð ɪn/  take air inside your body
soar /sɔ:*/  to fly very high up
hold /həʊld/  embrace, put your arms around somebody
above /əbʌv/  in a higher level, over
the lights are low /ðə laɪts ɑ:* ləʊ/  the lights are not very intense
takes me in /teɪks mi: ɪn/  conquers me
turn the lights down low /tɜ:n ðə laɪts daʊn ləʊ/  reduce the brightness of the light very much
racing /rsɪŋ/  acceleration
levitate /levɪteɪt/  float, stay up in the air
moonlight /mu:nlaɪt/  the light from the moon
wanna /wɒnə/  want to
hold hands /həʊld hæds/  grab each other's hands
chase /tʃeɪs/  run after, persecute
taste /teɪst/  to distinguish flavors in the mouth
fall asleep /fɔ:l əsli:p/  start sleeping
footsteps /fʊtsteps/  the sound of feet walking
insatiable /ɪnsʃəbəl/  impossible to satisfy
heart /hɑ:t/  your organ to pump blood / to love
drop /drɒp/  a very small quantity of a liquid
upon /ʌpɒn/  on
sheets /ʃi:ts/  cloth layers in a bed
crawl /krɔ:l/  to walk like an insect with 4 or many legs
Total number of items: 37
This is an activity from Multimedia-English