Happy Diwali (the festival of lights )
Video page
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn vocabulary with this activity based on the video Happy Diwali. Don't forget to also learn the pronunciation of the words.
Instructions 1- Look at the words and think of its meaning (and maybe pronunciation)
2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer.
3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Pronunciation Comments
throughout everywhere; all the time /θru:aʊt/
in essence basically /ɪn esəns/
outfit clothes /aʊtfɪt/
packed filled with as many people as possible /pækt/
show up arrive or be present (informal) /ʃəʊ ʌp/
ground surface of the earth /graʊnd/
garland festive wreath made of flowers and leaves to decorate your head, neck, etc /gɑ:lənd/
fully completely /fʊlɪ/
fortunate lucky, having unexpected good fortune /fɔ:tʃənɪt/
customary usual /kʌstəmərɪ/
firework pyrotechnic device, colourful lights of fire shooting in the sky /faɪəwɜ:k/
at hand nearby, conveniently close /ət hænd/
treat something you do or have which is specially enjoyable for you /tri:t/
monsoon the rainy season in India /mɒnsu:n/
sight view /saɪt/
spruce up to make (someone or something) look cleaner, neater, or more attractive /spru:s ʌp/
darkness ignorance, evil (figurative) /dɑ:knɪs/
sell out sell every item of it, and there's no more left /sel aʊt/
blossom flower (especially from trees) /blɒsəm/
jasmine a fragrant flower (genus Jasminum) /dʒæsmɪn/
commemorate to do something special in order to remember and honor /kəmeməreɪt/ Usually an important event or person from the past.
take the shape of assume the form of /teɪk ðə ʃeɪp ɒv/
feverishly feeling or showing great or extreme excitement /fi:vərɪʃlɪ/ Marked by intense agitation, emotion, or activity.
over above in superiority, in position /əʊvə*/
dawn early morning /dɔ:n/
hunched not upright in position or posture; bent forwards /hʌntʃt/
colourful having many colours /kʌləfəl/
head for go towards, go to /hed fɔ:*/
indeed certainly /ɪndi:d/
to purchase to buy /pɜ:tʃɪs/
overwhelmed feeling a very strong emotion /əʊvəwelmd/
rejoice feel joyful and happy /rɪdʒɔɪs/
fragrant having a pleasant or sweet smell /freɪgrənt/
doorway the entranceway to a room, building, or passage /dɔ:weɪ/
Total number of items: 34
This is an activity from Multimedia-English