Put in Order
Drive By
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Focus Listening
Description Listening activity based on the song Drive, By the band Train.
Instructions Move these sentences around to reconstruct the lyrics of this song in the correct order.
Well, you shouldn't be sorry, you're the one who left. Listen... uhm... I'm gonna be late for work... Bye.
Or New York or Santa Fe
Cause you moved to west L.A
But I thought: "this can't be true".
I guess that's déjà vu,
Stood a girl that looked like you.
On the other side of a street I knew,
Or wherever to get away from me.
Oh, I was overwhelmed
Oh, but that one night
Was more than just right.
and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you.
cause I was all through.
I didn't leave you
Looking for a two-ply
Just a shy guy
Hefty bag to hold my love.
Oh, I swear to ya
I'll be there for ya.
This is not a drive by.
Everything is groovy.
They don't like it.
I'll be there for ya.
The way you do me.
This is not a drive by.
When you move me
Sue me
Oh, I swear to ya
the more-than-friends-at-last.
On the other side
of a downward spiral,
And get down to
My love for you went viral.
And I loved you every mile
But now here you are again,
you drove away.
So let's skip
the how-you've-been
and frankly scared as hell
until I came to,
Because I really
And I was overwhelmed
Is still the highlight.
fell for you.
Oh but that one night
I didn't need you
Looking for a two-ply
The way you do me.
Everything is groovy.
This is not a drive by.
I'll be there for ya.
They don't like it. Sue me
Hefty bag to hold my love.
Oh I swear to ya
When you move me
Just a shy guy
Please believe
There's nothing up my sleeve
But love for you,
That when I leave
And a little time
This is not a drive by.
Oh I swear to ya
To get my head together too.
I'll be there for ya.
Stood a girl
I guess that's déjà vu,
On the other side
But I thought
Of a street I knew
That looked like you.
This can't be true
a drive by.
Oh. I swear to ya
Just a shy guy
This is not
looking for a two-ply
Hefty bag to hold my love.
I'll be there for ya.
Sue me
The way you do me.
When you move me
They don't like it.
Oh I swear to ya
This is not a drive by.
I'll be there for ya.
everything is groovy.
Total number of items: 11
This is an activity from Multimedia-English