The Fox
Video page
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn the sounds animals make in English: meow, woof-woof, tweet-tweet, hiss, oink, moo, bzz, quack, neigh...
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
cicada /tʃɜ:p tʃɜ:p/ chirp-chirp
crow /kææk/ kaak
frog /krəʊk/  /rɪbɪt rɪbɪt/ croak / ribbit-ribbit
bee /bʌz/ buzz
cow /mu:/ moo
duck /kæk/ quack
horse /naɪ/ neigh
cock (rooster) /kɒkədu:dəldu:/ cock-a-doodle-doo
donkey /-i:-ɔ::/ eeyore
seal /aʊ aʊ/ ow-ow
wolf /u:u:u:/ owooooo
dog (medium size) /wʊf wuf/
crocodile /snæp snæp/ snap-snap
cuckoo /kʊ ku:/ cu-ckoo
goat /me-e me-e/ mee-mee
horse (walking) /klɪp klɒp/ clip-clop
turkey /gɒbəl gɒbəl/ gobble gobble
dog (big) /baʊ waʊ/ bow-wow
cat /mjaʊ/ meow
owl /tʊ hu:t/ to-hoot
dog (angry) /gərrr/ grrrr
pig /ɔɪŋk/ oink
cricket /kri:k kri:k/ creak-creak
pigeon /ku:/ coo
fish /blʌb blʌb/ blub-blub
bird /twi:t twi:t/ tweet-tweet
mouse /i:k i:k/ eek-eek
sheep /bɑ:/ baa
snake /hɪss/ hiss
hen /klʌk klʌk/ cluck cluck
lion /rɔ:/ roar
dog (small) /ɑrf ɑrf/ arf-arf
goose /hɒŋk/ honk
Total number of items: 33
This is an activity from Multimedia-English