Irregular Plurals
Focus Grammar
Description Practise the most important irregular plurals until you master them all.
Instructions 1- Look at the words and think of its singular/plural form 2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer. 3- If you were right click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Comments
woman women /wʊmən/  /wɪmɪn/
leaf leaves
scarf scarves
child children
mouse mice
penny pence In the UK a pound has 100 pence, though very often people simply say "p": 1p /pi:/ 2p /pi:/
In America "penny" is a colloquial word for "cent", and the plural is "pennies".
fish fish
half halves BrE - /hɑ:f/  /hɑ:vz/
AmE - /hæf/  /hævz/
life lives
that those /ðæt/  /ðəʊz/
person people Some speakers of other languages (especially Spanish") often use "people" in the singular:
In Mexico people is very nice
This is wrong, since "people" is an irregular plural and it should be:
In Mexico people are very nice

Now, the word "people" can also mean "nation", and in that case it is a regular word: people - peoples
Moses said to the Pharaoh: Let my people go!
His majesty, the people is tired of this war.
Today is a great day for all the peoples in the world
sheep sheep
knife knives
goose geese
this these /ðɪs/  /ði:z/
shelf shelves a thin flat plank of wood, metal, etc., fixed horizontally against a wall, etc., for the purpose of supporting objects
foot feet
wife wives
tooth teeth /tu:θ/  /ti:θ/
loaf loaves A shaped mass of bread baked in one piece. A loaf is the complete thing made of bread, and when you eat, you break it into pieces of bread. So you usually buy, for example, two loaves, or two loaves of bread, you never buy a piece of bread.
wolf wolves /wʊlf/  /wʊlvz/
man men
Total number of items: 22
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