ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

Classroom Language: vocabulary -L0
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn some basic vocabulary that you may need to use in your classroom if you want to speak in English. INGLÉS-ESPAÑOL
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
window /wɪndəʊ/ ventana
to forget /fə*get/ olvidar
teach /ti:tʃ/ enseñar
class /klɑ:s/ clase
chair /tʃeə*/ silla
wrong /rɒŋ/ incorrecto
check /tʃek/ corregir, comprobar
to pronounce /prənns/ pronunciar
to underline /ʌndəln/ subrayar
to answer /ɑ:nsə*/ responder
to turn on/off /tɜ:*n ɒn / ɒf/ encender / apagar
board /bɔ:*d/ pizarra/encerado
to ask /ɑ:sk/ preguntar
folder /fəʊldə*/ carpeta
homework /həʊmwɜ:*k/ deberes
mistake /məstk/ error, falta
to spell /spel/ deletrear
teacher /ti:tʃə*/ maestro, profesor
to correct /kərekt/ corregir
can /kæn/ verbo para perdir permiso
pronunciation /prənʌnsɪʃən/ pronunciación
text book /tekst bʊk/ libro de texto
test /test/ test, prueba, examen
learn /lɜ:*n/ aprender
table /tbəl/ mesa
pen /pen/ boli/estilográfica
late /leɪt/ tarde
question /kwestʃən/ pregunta
to remember /rɪmembə*/ recordar
to understand /ʌndə*stænd/ entender
answer /ɑ:nsə*/ respuesta
exercise /eksə*saɪz/ ejercicio
pencil /pensɪl/ lápiz
student /stju:dənt/ alumno
light /laɪt/ luz
toilet /tɔɪlɪt/ servicio, baño, WC
paper /ppə*/ papel
lesson /lesən/ lección
read /ri:d/ leer
notebook /nəʊt bʊk/ cuaderno
right /raɪt/ correcto
phone /fəʊn/ teléfono
study /stʌdɪ/ estudiar
exam /ɪgzæm/ examen
page /pdʒ/ página
write /raɪt/ escribir
sheet /ʃi:t/ hoja / folio
to repeat /rɪpi:t/ repetir
unit /ju:nɪt/ unidad
classroom /klɑ:srʊm/ aula
Total number of items: 50
This is an activity from Multimedia-English