Irregular verbs (82 verbs)
Focus Grammar
Description Memorize the 3 forms of most of the irregular verbs in English.
Instructions 1- Look at the verbs and see if you know the other two forms (past + past participle) 2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer. 3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Pronunciation Comments
fall fell - fallen /fɔ:l - fel - fɔ:lən/
sing sang - sung /sɪŋ - sæŋ - sʌŋ/
draw drew - drawn /drɔ: - dru: - drɔ:n/
make made - made /meɪk - meɪd - meɪd/
shut shut - shut /ʃʌt - ʃʌt - ʃʌt/
drink drank - drunk /drɪŋk - dræŋk - drʌnk/
light lit - lit /laɪt - lɪt - lɪt/ also as a regular verb:
(both forms, regular and irregular, are very common)
send sent - sent /send - sent - sent/
throw threw - thrown /θrəʊ - θru: - θrəʊn/
swim swam - swum /swɪm - swæm - swʌm/
do did - done /du: - dɪd - dʌn/
say said - said /seɪ - sed - sed/
bring brought - brought /brɪŋ - brɔ:t - brɔ:t/
break broke - broken /breɪk - brəʊk - brəʊkən/
read read - read /ri:d - red - red/
spend spent - spent /spend - spent - spent/
choose chose - chosen /tʃu:z - tʃəʊz - tʃəʊzən/
fly flew - flown /flaɪ - flu: - fləʊn/
blow blew - blown /bləʊ - blu: - bləʊn/
be was/were - been /bi: - wɒz-wɜ:* - bɪn/
pay paid - paid /peɪ - peɪd - peɪd/
sell sold - sold /sel - səʊld - səʊld/
sit sat - sat /sɪt - sæt - sæt/
rise rose - risen /raɪz - rəʊz - rɪzən/
burn burnt - burnt /bɜ:*n - bɜ:*nt - bɜ:*nt/
teach taught - taught /ti:tʃ - tɔ:t - tɔ:t/
write wrote - written /raɪt - rəʊt - rɪtən/
leave left - left /li:v - left - left/
begin began - begun /bəgɪn - bəgæn - bɪgʌn/
forget forgot - forgotten /fə*get - fə*gɒt - fə*gɒtən/
have had - had /hæv - hæd - hæd/ remember that we can say HAVE or HAVE GOT in the present, but not in the past.
- I have a sister = I've got a sister
- I had a red car (had got)
think thought - thought /θɪŋk - θɔ:t - θɔ:t/
come came - come /kʌm - keɪm - kʌm/
get got - got /get - gɒt - gɒt/ American English:
/get - gɒt - gɒtən/
hurt hurt - hurt /hɜ:*t - hɜ:*t - hɜ:*t/
lend lent - lent /lend - lent - lent/
become became - become /bɪkʌm - bɪkm - bɪkʌm/
fight fought - fought /faɪt - fɔ:t - fɔ:t/
run ran - run /rʌn - ræn - rʌn/
take took - taken /teɪk - tʊk - tkən/
build built - built /bɪld - bɪlt - bɪlt/
dream dreamt - dreamt /dri:m - dremt - dremt/ You can also use it as a regular verb:
hide hid - hidden /haɪd - hɪd - hɪdən/
give gave - given /gɪv - geɪv - gɪvən/
tear tore - torn /teə* - tɔ:* - tɔ:*n/
hit hit - hit /hɪt - hɪt - hɪt/
drive drove - driven /draɪv - drəʊv - drɪvən/
see saw - seen /si: - sɔ: - si:n/
mean meant - meant /mi:n - ment - ment/
bite bit - bitten /baɪt - bɪt - bɪtən/
smell smelt - smelt /smel - smelt - smelt/
win won - won /wɪn - wʌn - wʌn/
find found - found /faɪnd - faʊnd - faʊnd/
hold held - held /həʊld - held - held/ To hold something is to have it in your hand.
To hold someone is to embrace them, to hug them, to put your arms around them.
shoot shot - shot /ʃu:t - ʃɒt - ʃɒt/
show showed - shown /ʃəʊ - ʃəʊd - ʃəʊn/
hear heard - heard /hɪə* - hɜ:*d - hɜ:*d/  
wake woke - woken /weɪk - wəʊk - wəʊkən/
go went - gone /gəʊ - went - gɒn/
feel felt - felt /fi:l - felt - felt/
cut cut - cut /kʌt - kʌt - kʌt/
stand stood - stood /stænd - stʊd - stʊd/
steal stole - stolen /sti:l - stəʊl - stəʊlən/
lose lost - lost /lu:z - lɒst - lɒst/
cost cost - cost /kɒst - kɒst - kɒst/
ring rang - rung /rɪŋ - ræŋ - rʌŋ/
let let - let /let - let - let/
keep kept - kept /ki:p - kept - kept/
buy bought - bought /baɪ - bɔ:t - bɔ:t/
sleep slept - slept /sli:p - slept - slept/
beat beat - beaten /bi:t - bi:t - bi:tən/
speak spoke - spoken /spi:k - spəʊk - spəʊkən/
eat ate - eaten /i:t - eɪt - i:tən/
meet met - met /mi:t - met - met/
put put - put /pʊt - pʊt - pʊt/
grow grew - grown /grəʊ - gru: - grəʊn/
know knew - known /nəʊ - nju: - nəʊn/
catch caught - caught /kætʃ - kɔ:t - kɔ:t/ You TAKE something which is still, but CATCH something which is moving: to take a pen, to catch a fly, to take an apple, to catch the bus.
ride rode - ridden /raɪd - rəʊd - rɪdən/
understand understood - understood /ʌndə*stænd - ʌndə*stʊd - ʌndə*stʊd/
tell told - told /tel - təʊld - təʊld/
learn learnt - learnt /lɜ:*n lɜ:*nt lɜ:*nt/
wear wore - worn /weə* - wɔ:* - wɔ:*n/
Total number of items: 83
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