ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

Before doing this activity you may need to read the text you will find at the end

Compounds: Somebody, Anybody, Nobody, Everybody...
Focus Grammar
Description Practise the compounds: somebody, anything, nothing, everything... SPANISH - ENGLISH
Instructions 1- Look at the sentences and try to say the same in the other language 2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer. 3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Comments
Necesito algunas cosas para el viaje I need some things for my trip
Siento algo extraño sobre mi espalda I feel something strange on my back
Están por todas partes They are everywhere
¿Hay aquí alguien de Escocia? Is there anybody here from Scotland?
¿Se ha ido ella a alguna parte? Has she gone anywhere?
Algunas personas están hablando por teléfono Some people are talking on the phone
Todo el mundo necesita alguien Everybody needs somebody also: Everyone
No lo encuentro por ninguna parte I can't find it anywhere
Nadie lo sabe Nobody knows it also: NO ONE
Conoces a alguien aquí Do you know anybody here? also: ANYONE
Èl nunca hace nada mal He never does anything wrong
Todo estaba en silencio Everything was quiet
No puedes encontrar esa flor en ningún sitio You can't find that flower anywhere
Algunas personas lo saben todo Some people know everything
Te vio alguien Somebody saw you
Puedes encontrar palmeras en algunos sitios cerca de la ciudad You can find palm trees in some places near the city
La hierba crece por todas partes Grass grows everywhere
Cualquier cosa me viene bien Anything is good for me ANY en oraciones afirmativas = cualquier
Si necesitas algo, dilo If you need anything, say it con IF usamos ANY
No hay nadie en la puerta There is nobody at the door
Necesito algún sitio para dormir I need somewhere to sleep
No voy a ninguna parte I'm not going anywhere
Te apetece algo de beber? Would you like something to drink? usamos SOMETHING porque estamos ofreciendo, si no usaremos ANYTHING porque es una pregunta.
Ella vive en algún lugar de África She lives somewhere in Africa
Algunas cosas son muy especiales Some things are very special
Total number of items: 25
This is an activity from Multimedia-English

We use SOMETHING for things
SOMEBODY or SOMEONE for people
SOMEWHERE for places.

We can also make compounds with ANY- and NO-:

NOTHING  /nʌθɪŋ/ NOBODY /nəʊbɒdɪ/ NO ONE /nəʊ wʌn/ NOWHERE /nəʊweə*/

The same rules that apply for SOME and ANY also apply for somebody/anybody, etc:
(you can read the rules on this other lesson: Some, Any, No)

He never does anything bad.
I need somewhere to sleep.
I know someone who could help us.
Do you know anyone who could help us?
I haven't got anything to eat = I've got nothing to eat

The plural of SOMEBODY or SOMEONE is "some people", the plural of SOMETHING is "some things", the plural of SOMEWHERE is "some places".

- There's somebody at the door
- There are some people waiting outside
- Look, I've got something for you, open it!
- I wanted to buy some things but now I can't remember what
- He lives somewhere near here
- You can find palm trees in some places near here

You never use a preposition before compounds with -WHERE

- She must be hiding in the mountains She must be hiding somewhere
- I'm not going to your house I'm not going anywhere / I'm going nowhere
- Are you going to the bar? Are you going anywhere?
You can also make compounds with EVERY-

- Everything = all the things
- Everybody/everyone = all the people
- Everywhere = in/at/to/on all the places
- Everything was quiet = All the things were quiet
- Everybody needs somebody = All the people need some person
- I looked for it everywhere = I looked for it in all the places