Before doing this activity you may need to read the text you will find at the end

Make exclamations with HOW
Focus Grammar
Description Let's practise exclamations with HOW. See if you can turn all these sentences into exclamations using always HOW.
Instructions 1- Look at the normal sentence and transform it into an exclamation sentence using HOW 2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer. 3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Comments
Cool How cool !
This is nice How nice this is !
That sweater is expensive How expensive that sweater is !
Rose is very fat How fat Rose is !
Strange How strange !
Those children are small How small those children are !
George is lucky How lucky George is !
Your friend is very intelligent How intelligent your friend is !
Tall How tall !
You are tall How tall you are !
Boring Oh, how boring !
you are beautiful How beautiful you are !
This book is very boring How boring this book is !
You are lucky How lucky you are !
Megan is very busy How busy Megan is !
Total number of items: 15
This is an activity from Multimedia-English

We can make exclamations using HOW
HOW + adjectives

- How nice!
- How nice it is!
- How tall that tree is!
- How big your house is!

since they're not questions, there is no inversion!!!

- How big that tree is !  (exclamation, no inversion)
- How big is that tree !
- How big is that tree?  (question, inversion)