BASIC Countries and nationalities
Video page
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn the most important countries and their nationalities in English.
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
England /ɪŋglənd - ɪŋglɪʃ/ English
Italy /ɪtəlɪ - ɪtælɪən/ Italian
China /tʃnə - tʃaɪni:z/ Chinese
India /ɪndɪə -ɪndɪən/ Indian
France /frɑ:ns - frentʃ/ French
Spain /speɪn - spænɪʃ/ Spanish
Portugal /pɔ:*tʃəgəl - pɔ:tʃəgi:z/ Portuguese
America /əmerɪkə - əmerɪkən/ American
Scotland /skɒtlənd - skɒtɪʃ/ Scottish
Germany /dʒɜ:*mənɪ - dʒɜ:*mən/ German
Europe /jɔ:rəʊp - jɔ:rəʊpɪən/ European
Australia /ɒstrlɪə - ɒstrlɪən/ Australian
Ireland /aɪələnd - aɪərɪʃ/ AmE: /aɪrlənd - rɪʃ/ Irish
The USA /ðə ju: es eɪ - əmerɪkən/ American
United Kingdom /ju:ntɪd kɪŋdəm - brɪtɪʃ/ British
Mexico /meksɪkəʊ - meksɪkən/ Mexican
Brazil /brəzɪl - brəzɪlɪən/ Brazilian
Canada /kænədə - kəndɪən/ Canadian
Total number of items: 18
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