Infectious Diseases
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn vocabulary about infectious Diseases. English and Spanish.
Instructions 1- Look at the words and think of its meaning (and maybe pronunciation)
2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer.
3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Pronunciation Comments
medicine medicamento /'medɪsɪn/
patient zero paciente cero /'peɪʃənt 'zɪərəʊ/ The first case or onset of a catastrophic trend.
cholera cólera /'kɒlərə/ An acute infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
host portador /həʊst/ Any organism on or in which a parasitic organism lives.
protective gear equipo de protección /prə'tektɪv gɪə*/ Clothing especially designed, fabricated, or treated to protect personnel against hazards.
symptom síntoma /'sɪmptəm/
vector portador /'vektər/ A carrier that transfers an infective agent from one host to another.
quarantine cuarentena /'kwɒrənti:n/
A strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.
infectious disease enfermedad infecciosa /ɪn'fekʃəs dɪ'zi:z/ A disease caused by a microorganism or other agent, such as a bacterium, fungus, or virus, that enters the body of an organism.
to transmit transmitir /trænz'mɪt/
epidemic disease enfermedad epidémica /epɪ'demɪk dɪ'zi:z/ Any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people.
to infect contagiar, infectar /ɪn'fekt/
pathogenic germ germen patógeno /pæθə'dʒenɪk dʒɜ:*m/ A microorganism that produces disease.
incubation period periodo de incubación /ɪnkjə'beɪʃən 'pɪərɪəd/ The time from the moment of exposure to an infectious agent until signs and symptoms of the disease appear.
virus virus /'vaɪərəs/ Ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic.
carrier portador /'kærɪə*/ An organism that has the disease but shows no sign of it. It serves as a host for a pathogen and can transmit it to others, but is immune to it.
airborne virus virus aéreo /'eə*bɔ:n 'vaɪərəs/ Airborne diseases are spread when droplets of pathogens are expelled into the air due to coughing, sneezing or talking.
illness enfermedad /'ɪlnɪs/
epidemic epidemia /epɪ'demɪk/
An outbreak or unusually high occurrence of a disease or illness in a population or area.
pathogenic patógeno /pæθə'dʒenɪk/ Capable of causing disease.
Public Health System sistema público de salud /'pʌblɪk helθ 'sɪstəm/
medical treatment tratamiento médico /'medɪkəl 'tri:tmənt/ The care and management of a patient to combat, ameliorate, or prevent a disease, disorder, or injury.
antibody anticuerpo /'æntɪbɒdɪ/ Any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response.
deadly virus virus mortal /'dedlɪ 'vaɪərəs/
malaria malaria /mə'leərɪə/ An infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito.
human to human transmission transmisión entre humanos
meningitis meningitis /mənɪn'dʒaɪtɪs/ A disease marked by inflammation of the meninges that is either a relatively mild illness caused by a virus or a more severe life-threatening illness caused by a bacterium.
drug treatment tratamiento farmacológico /drʌg 'tri:tmənt/
immune system sistema inmunológico /ɪ'miu:n 'sɪstəm/ A complex system of cellular and molecular components having the primary functions of distinguishing self from not self and of defense against foreign organisms or substances.
bodily fluids fluidos corporales /'bɒdɪlɪ 'flu:ɪds/ They are liquids originating from inside the bodies of living people.
antibiotic antiobiótico /æntɪbaɪ'ɒtɪk/
interferon interferón /ɪntə*'fɪərɒn/ Protein in immune system.
vaccine vacuna /'væksi:n/ A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection.
microbe microbio /'maɪkrəʊb/ A microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease.
disease dolencia, enfermedad (específica) /dɪ'zi:z/
immunization inmunización /ɪmiʊnaɪ'zeiʃən/ Inoculation against illness.
monitoring seguimiento /'mɒnɪtərɪŋ/
Continuous or frequent periodic clinical assessment.
fatality rate tasa de mortalidad /fə'tælɪtɪ reɪt/ Also know as 'mortality rate' is a measure of the number of deaths in a population.
medical isolation aislamiento médico /'medɪcəl aɪsə'leɪʃən/ Isolation refers to the precautions that are taken in the hospital to prevent the spread of an infectious agent
incubation period periodo de incubación /ɪnkiʊ'beɪʃən 'pɪərɪəd/ The time between exposure to an infectious disease and the appearance of the first signs or symptoms.
mucous membranes membranas mucosas /'mju:kəs membreɪnz/ A mucus-secreting membrane that lines body cavities or passages that are open to the external environment.
(infection) control measures medidas de control /kən'trəʊl 'meʒə*z/ Any action and activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
ebola ébola /i:'bəʊlə/ A severe and often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) caused by the Ebola virus.
typhoid fever fiebre tifoidea /'taɪfɔɪd 'fi:və*/ An acute, highly infectious disease caused by a bacillus (Salmonella typhi) transmitted chiefly by contaminated food or water.
virus family cepa /'vaɪərəs 'fæmɪlɪ/
acute illness enfermedad aguda /ə'kiu:t 'ɪlnɪs/ A disease with an abrupt onset.
to prevent prevenir /prɪ'vent/
diagnosis diagnóstico /daɪəg'nəʊsɪs/
supportive care cuidados paliativos /sə'pɔ:*tɪv keə*/ Care given to improve the quality of life of patients who have a serious or life-threatening disease.
World Health Organization (WHO) Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system.
outbreak brote /'aʊtbreɪk/ A disease outbreak is the occurrence of cases of disease in excess of what would normally be expected in a defined community, geographical area or season.
to diagnose diagnosticar /'daɪəgnəʊz/
side effect efectos secundarios /saɪd ɪ'fekt/
drug fármaco /drʌg/
morbidity morbidez /mɔ:*'bɪdɪtɪ/ Incidence of a disease.
endemic endémico /en'demɪk/ Relating to a disease or pathogen that is found in or confined to a particular location, region, or people.
to mutate mutar /miu:'teɪt/
bacteria bacteria(s) /bæk'tɪərɪə/ "Bacteria" is technically the plural form of "bacterium". However, in everyday usage, we normally use "bacteria," and it is often treated as a singular. It's a one celled organism.
biohazard riesgo biológico /bəɪə'hæzə*d/ Hazard to humans or the environment resulting from biological agents or conditions.
clinical protocol protocolo clínico /'klɪnɪkəl 'prəʊtəkɒl/ Also called 'clinical guideline' or 'clinical practice guideline'. It's a document with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management and treatment in specific areas of healthcare.
Total number of items: 60
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