ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

Travel - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
goods train /gʊdz treɪn/ tren de mercancías
back pack /bæk pæk/ mochila
petrol /petrəl/ gasolina
helicopter /helɪkɒptə/ helicóptero
train driver /treɪn drvə/ conductor de tren
suitcase /su:tkeɪs/ maleta
tyre /taɪə/ neumático
carriage /kærɪdʒ/ vagón de tren
spanner /spænə/ llave inglesa
oil /ɔɪl/ aceite
breakdown lorry /brkdaʊn lɒrɪ/ grúa (para averías)
ticket machine /tɪkɪt məʃi:n/ máquina expendedora de billetes/boletos
car wash /kɑ: wɒʃ/ túnel de lavado
headlights /hedlaɪts/ faros delanteros
plane /pleɪn/ avión
platform /plætfɔ:m/ andén
runway /rʌnweɪ/ pista de despegue/aterrizaje
bonnet /bɒnɪt/ capó
petrol pump /petrəl pʌmp/ surtidor de gasolina
flight attendant /flaɪt ətendənt/ auxiliar de vuelo (azafata/o)
battery /bætərɪ/ batería
train engine /treɪn endʒɪn/ locomotora
car engine /kɑ:r endʒɪn/ motor de automóvil
pilot /plət/ piloto
railway track /rlweɪ træk/ vía del tren
ticket inspector /tɪkɪt ɪnspektə/ revisor de billetes
petrol tanker /petrəl tæŋkə/ camión cisterna (de gasolina)
control tower /kəntrəʊl taʊə/ torre de control
boot /bu:t/ maletero (del coche)
wheel /wi:l/ rueda
Total number of items: 30
This is an activity from Multimedia-English