ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

Animals - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
tiger /tgə/ tigre
panda /pændə/ oso panda
bat /bæt/ murciélago
gorilla /gərɪlə/ gorila
hippo /hɪpəʊ/ hipopótamo
monkey /mʌŋkɪ/ mono
pelican /pelɪkən/ pelícano
kangaroo /kæŋgə ru:/ canguro
deer /dɪə/ ciervo
wolf /wʊlf/ lobo
ostrich /ɒstrɪtʃ/ avestruz
goat /gəʊt/ cabra
bison /bsən/ bisonte
penguin /peŋgwɪn/ pingüino
paws /pɔ:z/ garras
rhino /rnəʊ/ rinoceronte
tortoise /tɔ:təs/ tortuga (terrestre)
eagle /i:gəl/ águila
polar bear /pəʊlə beə/ oso polar
giraffe /dʒɪrɑ:f/ jirafa
seal /si:l/ foca
snake /sneɪk/ serpiente
whale /weɪl/ ballena
elephant /eləfənt/ elefante
tail /teɪl/ cola, rabo
feathers /feðəz/ plumas
trunk /trʌŋk/ trompa (del elefante)
crocodile /krɒkədaɪl/ cocodrilo
shark /ʃɑ:k/ tiburon
leopard /lepəd/ leopardo
camel /kæməl/ camello
dolphin /dɒlfɪn/ delfín
cub /kʌb/ cachorro
lion /laɪən/ león
bear /beə/ oso
beaver /bi:və/ castor
wing /wɪŋ/ ala
zebra /zi:brə/ cebra
horns /hɔ:nz/ cuernos
Total number of items: 39
This is an activity from Multimedia-English