ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

The Park - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
path /pɑ:θ/ camino, sendero
bird /bɜ:d/ pájaro
pushchair /pʊʃtʃeə/ carrito de bebé, sillita
puddle /pʌdəl/ charco
lake /leɪk/ lago
tricycle /trsɪkəl/ triciclo
see-saw /si:sɔ:/ balancín, subeybaja
frog /frɒg/ rana
tree /tri:/ árbol
skateboard /sktbɔ:d/ monopatín
duckling /dʌklɪŋ/ patito
sandpit /sćndpɪt/ arenero
bush /bʊʃ/ arbusto
string /strɪŋ/ cuerda, cordel
baby /bbɪ/ bebé
kite /kaɪt/ cometa
dog /dɒg/ perro
child - children /tʃaɪld - tʃɪldrən/ nińo - nińos
tadpole /tćdpəʊl/ renacuajo
ice cream /skri:m/ helado
slide /slaɪd/ tobogán
picnic /pɪknɪk/ picnic
ball /bɔ:l/ pelota, balón
gate /geɪt/ verja, cancela
duck /dʌk/ pato
roller blades /rəʊlə bleɪdz/ patines de rueda (1 fila)
earth /ɜ:θ/ tierra
skipping rope /skɪpɪŋ rəʊp/ comba, cuerda de saltar
swan /swɒn/ cisne
swing /swɪŋ/ columpio
bench /bentʃ/ banco (de sentarse)
railings /rlɪŋz/ verja de hierro
flower bed flaʊə bed macizo de flores, parterre
leash /li:ʃ/ correa (para llevar al perro)
Total number of items: 34
This is an activity from Multimedia-English