ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

The Weather - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
winter /wɪntə/ invierno
wind /wɪnd/ viento
freezing /fri:zɪŋ/ muy frío
lightning /ltnɪŋ/ rayo, relámpago
sunny /sʌnɪ/ soleado
seasons /si:zəns/ estaciones
spring /sprɪŋ/ primavera
rainbow /rnbəʊ/ arco iris
fog /fɒg/ niebla
mist /mɪst/ bruma, neblina
snow /snəʊ/ nieve
sky /skaɪ/ cielo
dew /dju:/ rocío
summer /sʌmə/ verano
clouds /klaʊdz/ nubes
autumn /ɔ:təm/ otoño
hail /heɪl/ granizo
wellington boots /welɪŋtən bu:ts/ botas catiuscas (de goma)
cold /kəʊld/ frío
warm /wɔ:m/ calorcito
shower /ʃaʊə/ chaparrón
umbrella /ʌmbrelə/ paraguas
hot /hɒt/ calor
rain /reɪn/ lluvia
thunder ʌndə/ trueno
frost /frɒst/ escarcha
Total number of items: 26
This is an activity from Multimedia-English