ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

The Street - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
factory /fæktrɪ/ fábrica
traffic lights /træfɪk laɪts/ semáforo
police car /pli:s kɑ:/ coche de policía
playground /plgraʊnd/ patio de recreo
trailer /trlə/ trailer, remolque
shop /ʃɒp/ tienda
market /mɑ:kɪt/ mercado
statue /stætʃu:/ estatua
lorry /lɒrɪ/ camión
motorcycle /məʊtəsaɪkəl/ moto, motocicleta
taxi /tæksɪ/ taxi
school /sku:l/ escuela
chimney /tʃɪmnɪ/ chimenea
van /væn/ furgoneta, camioneta
digger /dɪgə/ excavadora
bus /bʌs/ autobús
hole /həʊl/ agujero
cinema sɪnəmə cine
pavement /pvmənt/ acera
roof /ru:f/ tejado
hotel /həʊtəl/ hotel
fire engine /faɪər endʒɪn/ camión de bomberos
drill /drɪl/ taladradora
lamp post /læmpəʊst/ farola
roller /rəʊlə/ apisonadora
bike /baɪk/ bicicleta
house /haʊs/ casa
coach /kəʊtʃ/ autocar (bus interurbano)
steps /steps/ escalones
woman /wʊmən/ mujer
man /mæn/ hombre
ambulance /æmbju:ləns/ ambulancia
policeman /pəli:smən/ policía (persona)
car /kɑ:/ coche, carro, auto
café /kæf/ cafetería
block of flats /blɒk əv flæts/ bloque de pisos, condominio
crossing /krɒsɪŋ/ paso de cebra
pipes /paɪps/ tuberías, cañerías
Total number of items: 38
This is an activity from Multimedia-English