ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

The Shop - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
meat /mi:t/ carne
onion /ʌnjən/ cebolla
trolley /trɒlɪ/ carrito de la compra
flour /flaʊə/ harina
cabbage /kæbɪdʒ/ repollo, col
pea /pi:/ guisante
bean /bi:n/ judía, frijol, alubia, habichuela
tin /tɪn/ lata de conserva
leek /li:k/ puerro
cucumber /kju:kəmbə/ pepino
pineapple /pnæpəl/ piña tropical
jar /dʒɑ:/ tarro, bote, frasco
purse /pɜ:s/ monedero, bolsa de dinero
lemon /lemən/ limón
carrot /kærət/ zanahoria
mushroom /mʌʃrʊm/ seta, champiñón
basket /bɑ:skɪt/ cesta
money /mʌnɪ/ dinero
melon /melən/ melón
tomato /təmɑ:təʊ/ tomate
yoghurt /jəʊgət/ yogur
checkout /tʃekaʊt/ caja (donde se paga)
scales /skeɪlz/ balanza, báscula
potato /pəttəʊ/ patata, batata, papa
spinach /spɪnɪdʒ/ espinaca
peach /pi:tʃ/ melocotón, durazno
cauliflower /kɔ:lɪflaʊə/ coliflor
plum /plʌm/ ciruela
apricot /æprɪkət/ albaricoque
celery /selərɪ/ apio
handbag /hændbæg/ bolso
grapefruit /grpfru:t/ pomelo, toronja
pumpkin /pʌmpkɪn/ calabaza
carrier bag /kærɪə bæg/ bolsa de la compra
bottle /bɒtəl/ botella
egg /eg/ huevo
lettuce /letɪs/ lechuga
Total number of items: 37
This is an activity from Multimedia-English