ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

People - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions 1- Look at the words and think of its meaning and pronunciation. 2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer. 3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.
Item Match Pronunciation Comments
artist artista /ɑ:tɪst/
niece sobrina /ni:s/
mother madre /mʌðə/
judge juez /dʒʌdʒ/
bus driver conductor de autobús /bʌs drvə/
carpenter carpintero /kɑ:pɪntə/
husband marido /hʌzbənd/
uncle tío /ʌŋkəl/
waiter camarero /wtə/
hairdresser peluquero /hdresə/
postman cartero /pəʊstmən/
granddaughter nieta /grændɔ:tə/
dentist dentista /dentɪst/
astronaut astronauta /æstrənɔ:t/
cook cocinero /kʊk/
mechanic mecánico /məkænɪk/
baker panadero /bkə/
singer cantante /sɪŋə/
son hijo /sʌn/
lorry driver camionero /lɒrɪ drvə/ el conductor de un camión en EEUU se llama TRUCK DRIVER /trʌk drvə/
butcher carnicero /bʊtʃə/
policewoman policía (mujer) /pli:s wʊmən/
dancer bailarín /dɑ:nsə/
sister hermana /sɪstə/
grandson nieto /grænsʌn/
diver submarinista /dvə/
grandparents abuelos /grænpeərənts/
actress actriz /æktrɪs/
fireman bombero /faɪəmən/
grandfather abuelo /grænfɑ:ðə/
father padre /fɑ:ðə/
aunt tía /ɑ:nt/
daughter hija /dɔ:tə/
wife esposa /waɪf/
brother hermano /brʌðə/
painter pintor /pntə/
grandmother abuela /grænmʌðə/
parents padres (padre & madre) /prənts/
cousin primo/a /kʌzɪn/
nephew sobrino /nefju:/
policeman policía (hombre) /pli:smən/
actor actor /æktə/
waitress camarera /wtrɪs/
Total number of items: 43
This is an activity from Multimedia-English