ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

The Toyshop - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
racing car /rsɪŋ kɑ:/ coche de carreras
recorder /rɪkɔ:də/ flauta dulce
piano /pɪænəʊ/ piano
arrows /ærəʊz/ flechas
mask /mɑ:sk/ máscara, careta
train set /treɪn set/ set de trenes
soldier /səʊldʒə/ soldado
spaceman /spsmən/ astronauta
robot /rəʊbɒt/ robot
face paints /feɪs peɪnts/ pinturas para la cara
parachute /pærəʃu:t/ paracaídas
playing cards /plɪŋ kɑ:ds/ cartas, naipes
dice /daɪs/ dados
blocks /blɒks/ bloques (para jugar)
castle /kɑ:səl/ castillo
marbles /mɑ:bəlz/ canicas, boliches
whistle /wɪsəl/ silbato
money box /mʌnɪ bɒks/ hucha, alcancía
bow /bəʊ/ arco
ring /rɪŋ/ anillo
mouth organ /maʊθ ɔ:gən/ harmónica
paints /peɪnts/ pinturas, colores
doll house /dɒl haʊs/ casita de muñecas
beads /bi:dz/ cuentas (de collar)
puppet /pʌpɪt/ títere, marioneta
necklace /neklɪs/ collar
camera /kæmərə/ cámara
playdough /pldəʊ/ plastilina, masilla, plasticina
doll /dɒl/ muñeca/o
roller /rəʊlə/ apisonadora
submarine /sʌbməri:n/ submarino
boat /bəʊt/ barca, barco
rocket /rɒkɪt/ cohete
crane /kreɪn/ grúa
drum /drʌm/ tambor
trumpet /trʌmpɪt/ trompeta
rocking horse /rɒkɪŋ hɔ:s/ caballito balancín
guitar /gɪtɑ:/ guitarra
Total number of items: 38
This is an activity from Multimedia-English