ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

The Seaside - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
waves /weɪvz/ olas
swimsuit /swɪmsu:t/ bañador
fishing boat /fɪʃɪŋ bəʊt/ barca de pescadores
sunscreen /sʌnscri:n/ protector solar
seagull /si:gʌl/ gaviota
rope /rəʊp/ cuerda, soga
flippers /flɪpəz/ aletas (de buzo)
ship /ʃɪp/ barco
sailing boat /slɪŋ bəʊt/ velero
canoe /kənu:/ canoa
sandcastle /sændkɑ:səl/ castillo de arena
bucket /bʌkɪt/ cubo
beach /bi:tʃ/ playa
shell /ʃel/ concha
oar /ɔ:/ remo
crab /kræb/ cangrejo
cliff /klɪf/ acantilado
fish /fɪʃ/ pez, pescado
rowing boat /rəʊɪŋ bəʊt/ bote de remos
flag /flæg/ bandera
sea /si:/ mar
water-skier /wɔ:tə ski:ə/ esquiador acuático
lighthouse /lthaʊs/ faro
oil tanker /ɔɪl tæŋkə/ barco petrolero
umbrella /ʌmbrelə/ sombrilla
starfish /stɑ:fɪʃ/ estrella de mar
island /lənd/ isla
motor-boat /məʊtəbəʊt/ lancha motora
deck chair /dek tʃeə/ tumbona, hamaca de playa
sailor /slə/ marinero
pebbles /pebəlz/ guijarros, piedritas
sunhat /sʌnhæt/ pamela, sombrero para el sol
spade /spd/ pala
sunglasses /sʌn glɑ:sɪz/ gafas/lentes de sol
seaweed /si:wi:d/ alga
net /net/ red, malla
paddle /pædəl/ pala de remo para canoa
Total number of items: 37
This is an activity from Multimedia-English