ACTIVITY SHEET (created by the user: Profe)

Sports - (basic vocabulary)
Focus Vocabulary
Description Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Pronunciation Meaning
bat /bæt/ bate (de béisbol)
fishing rod /fɪʃɪŋ rɒd/ caña de pescar
footballer /fʊtbɔ:lə/ futbolista
windsurfing /wɪndsɜ:fɪŋ/ windsurf (deporte)
snowboarding /snəʊbɔ:d/ snowboard (deporte)
diving /dvɪŋ/ salto trampolín (deporte)
sailing /slɪŋ/ vela (deporte)
riding /rdɪŋ/ equitación
ice skates /aɪs skeɪts/ patines para hielo
table tennis /tbəl tenɪs/ ténis de mesa
jogging /dʒɒgɪŋ/ correr (deporte)
hang-gliding /hæŋ gldɪŋ/ ala delta (deporte)
American football /əmerɪkən fʊtbɔ:l/ fútbol americano
changing room /tʃndʒɪŋ rʊm/ vestuarios
gym /dʒɪm/ gimnasio
baseball /bsbɔ:l/ béisbol
skiing /skɪɪŋ/ esquí (deporte)
swimming /swɪmɪŋ/ natación (deporte)
ice-skating /aɪs sktɪŋ/ patinaje sobre hielo
basketball /bɑ:skɪtbɔ:l/ baloncesto
racket /rækɪt/ raqueta
race /reɪs/ carrera
helmet /helmɪt/ casco
rugby /rʌgbɪ/ rugby
ball /bɔ:l/ pelota, balón
diving board /dvɪŋ bɔ:d/ trampolín
cycling /sklɪŋ/ ciclismo
archery /ɑ:tʃərɪ/ tiro al arco (deporte)
dance /dɑ:ns/ baile, danza
tennis /tenɪs/ tenis
football /fʊtbɔ:l/ fútbol
fishing /fɪʃɪŋ/ pesca (deporte)
cricket /krɪkɪt/ criquet
locker /lɒkə/ taquilla, casillero
track suit /træksu:t/ chándal (traje de gimnasia)
basketball player /bɑ:skɪtbɔ:l plə/ jugador de baloncesto
target /tɑ:gɪt/ diana
karate /kərɑ:teɪ/ kárate
judo /dʒu:dəʊ/ judo
badminton /bædmɪntən/ badminton
swimmer /swɪmə/ nadador
climbing /klmɪŋ/ alpinismo, escalada
rowing /rəʊɪŋ/ remo (deporte)
sweatband /swetbænd/ banda elástica para cabeza
swimming pool /swɪmɪŋpʊl/ piscina, alberca
Total number of items: 45
This is an activity from Multimedia-English