Junior is 2 years old (Junior, the bilingual boy) |
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Do you remember Junior? We saw him on this site when he was about 1 year old here: Junior, the bilingual baby. Both his parents are Spanish and he lives in Spain, and only his father and I speak English with him so... do you think he can really be bilingual? Now he's more than 2 years old, he has made big progress both in English and in Spanish... and he is as cute as ever. See for yourself.
You can turn on/off the video English or Spanish subtitles by clicking on the /cc/ symbol that appears on the bottom bar of the video when it starts playing.
Sorry about the lousy camera shooting, but you can easily understand that taking care of a baby and filming him at the same time is quite a hard job :)
On the abovementioned page you can also find a lot of words and expressions used in kiddy English (special English used with babies and little kids): Junior, the bilingual baby.
You can watch more videos by Junior here: Junior, the bilingual boy
- Hello
- Hello. Inside. Inside.
- No, it's not possible to get inside, you'll break it.
- Daddy. Daddy.
- Why?
- Why not?
- Why not? Break it.
- Because it breaks, yeah. You break it if you get inside. How are you?
- Fine.
- Fine, yea.
- Fine, fine, fine, thank you. Fine, fine, thank you... It's very high but the light is on.
- The light is on, yeah.
- We are going to read the book. Once upon a...
- Time.
- There were three little...
- Three little pigs.
- Who went off to build...
- Houses of their own.
- Houses of their own. The first little...
- Pig.
- Built his...
- House.
- With...
- Straw.
- Straw. The second little...
- Pig.
- Built his house with...
- Wood.
- The third little pig built his
- house
- with...
- Bricks. Bricks.
- Los comilones...
- Conejos.
- Vienen por sus...
- Zanahorias.
- Saltando desde muy...
- Lejos.
- ¡Es que les saben a...
- Gloria!.
- Mariquitas...
- Comehojas.
- Llegan de muchos...
- Lugares.
- Y se posan en las...
- Daddy! Angel Castaño!
- What?
- ¿Qué es eso?
- Come!
- Come where? I'm here.
- What's that?
- The caterpillar.
- Caterpillar?
- A caterpillar?
- Yea, go on reading.
- Caterpillar.
- That's a caterpillar?
- Yes.
- Y se posan en las...
- Hojas.
- Con sus trajes de...
- Lunares.
- I want to open this.
- No, that's paint.
- Paint.
- That's colours. If you open it it's going to spill.
- Oh!
- What's in there?
- Glasses.
- Glasses, yeah.
- I want to put it...
- No, close-close that door, don't leave it open.
- This?
- Well, that's a lid.
- A lid?
- Yeah. Put it back and close the door.
- Little, little, little, little, little, lid.
- A very little lid, yeah, that's right.
- Little lid. ++++
- Ok, close the door.
- Can I... Up!
- Up?
- Up. Ough!
- Look at that. Who's in there?
- Angel.
- And...?
- Angel Castaño. ----- Again.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
- What's next?
When the blazing sun is gone
When it nothing shines upon
Then ++++ a little night,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
- Let's see if you can. Try it.
- I can't.
- You can't, it's too...
- Big.
- No, it's not too big, it's too...
- It's too high!
- It's too high, that's right, yea, it's too high.
- It's too big!
- And this is too big, yeah. This is really, really big. It's huge.
- It's huge.
- It's huge.
- Hello!
- Hello. Wanna zip it up?
- No, no.
- You don't want to zip it up?
- No, no.
- No? You want to leave it open?
- Yea, *leave open it.
- Alright. Careful with the drawers.
- Oh, a person!
- What's that?
- A person.
- A person?
- Yes. *Give me, come on. Open it.
- No, we can't open it. This is just a picture.
- A picture.
- It's a picture of a person, yeah.
- Tweety.
- That's Tweety, yeah, that's Tweety. --- That's another person.
- Another...
- Is it- Is it happy or sad?
- Happy.
- Happy, yeah, it's happy.
- Another one?
- Yeah, another one.
- Turn it around. Ok. How many have you got there?
- One, two, three, four, five.
- Five! Well, that's a lot, isn't it? That's a lot. And which one is your favourite?
- This.
- That one?
- Yes.
- The rabbit?
- No, this!
- No? The other one? The... What colour is it?
- Yellow.
- Yellow. You prefer the yellow one?
- Blue.
- Blue?
- This!
- What colour is that?
- Purple!
- Purple? Is it purple?
- Yes.
- Whose telephone is that?
- Mine.
- Is it yours?
- Yes.
- Nope.
- *Give me.
- You don't say "give me", you say... What do you say?
- Ok.
- No, you don't say OK, you say... "here you are".
- Here you are.
- That's right, "here you are". Give it to me.
- Don't step on... What do you say?
- Here you are.
- Ok, "here you are". Thank you very much. Now, get off the table. Wait, wait.
- Don't. Aink! Ouch! Ouch!
Susanita tiene un ratón
Un ratón chiquitín
Que come chocolate y turrón
Y bolitas de anís
Duerme cerca del radiador
Con la almohada en los pies
Y sueña que es un gran campeón
Jugando al ajedrez
- Drill and a hammer.
- Ha ha, just remove it. That's like Handy Manny, isn't it? Is it Handy Manny?
- Oh, it's drilling. Oh!
- A wheelbarrow.
- A wheelbarrow? Where is it?
- It's there.
- Oh yea, what colour is it?
- Red.
- And what more things are there?
- This. The bus!
- Oh yes.
- It c- it coming. ++++ bus.
- Where is the bus now?
- There.
- Show it to me. What's that?
- The bus, it's coming.
- It's going away. What more things are there? What is this?
- A mess.
- No, it's....
- It's not a mess. Well, it's a bit of a mess, yeah.
- What's that?
- The garden.
- Yes. And that?
- The cathedral.
- Oh yeah, the cathedral.
- What's the weather like today?
- Cloudy.
- U-huh. A bit cloudy?
- Not very much.
- Here.
- And what about the sun?
- Shining. Daddy.
- What?
- It's cold. It's cold today. It's cold today.
- It's cold today.
- The pigeons.
- Look, look, what's that over there?
- The pigeons.
- It's a pigeon?
- It's flying away. Flying away. It's flying, it's flying away.
- They're flying away?
- Yes.
- And the tap? Where's the tap?
- Here's the tap.
- There, there.
- I want the water, please.
- You want some water, "please"? More water?
- Some water.
- Some water.
- ++++
- It's spilling.
- It's spilling, yea, be careful.
- I want to touch the ceiling. It's very high.
- Very high.
- Alright, say goodbye. Junior, say goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Bye-bye.
ONCE UPON A TIME= This is the usual way fairy tales for children begin:
- Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a castle. One day, she went for a walk into the garden when...
WENT OFF= Left, went away.
OF THEIR OWN= For themselves, of their property.
STRAW= Hay, dry grass (see picture)
BRICKS= Little construction blocks of sun-hardened clay (see picture)
CATERPILLAR= A baby butterfly, when they look like a worm (see picture)
SPILL= If a liquid spills, it falls down out of its container.
LID= A piece to cover something, for example a bottle, so that it is closed (see picture)
TWINKLE= If something twinkles, it shines with a changing intensity, like the stars in the sky.
WONDER= /wʌndə*/ If you wonder something, you are curious about it, you want to know because you don't know or don't understand.
ABOVE= /əbʌv/ Over, higher than.
BLAZING= Something blazing is really hot and burning.
WHEN IT NOTHING SHINES UPON= (a poetical figure of speech, the hyperbaton: the order of the sentence has been changed). The common order is: When it shines on nothing (UPON= Old English or poetical= On).
HUGE= Enormous, immense, very very big.
ZIP IT UP= If you zip something up, you close it using a zip (see picture of a zip). To open it, you "zip it down". In AmE a zip is called "a zipper".
DRAWERS= /drɔ:əz/
*GIVE ME= (The mark * means "incorrect"). Junior usually still says "give me" both when he means "give it to me" or when he means "here you are". In this case he is giving it to me, so he used it wrong.
TWEETY= A famous cartoon character from years ago (see picture). In English, the sound birds make is "tweet, tweet" (or "chirp, chirp").
YOU PREFER THE YELLOW ONE?= (coll.) In conversational English we sometimes make a question just by changing the intonation, without using DO or making inversion.
WHOSE= We use this question word to ask who the owner is (the proprietor). With this word we can use two different sentence order:
- Whose car is this? - It's John's
- Whose is this car? – I think it's Mary's car, or maybe it's my car, they look the same.
NOPE= (coll.) /nəʊp/ No. (the oposite is YUP /jʌp/ )
HANDY MANNY= A popular cartoon character who is a mechanic and always carries a tool of boxes with him (see Handy Manny) (see tool box). The name "Handy Manny" litterally means a little man (manny) who is very handy (useful, skillful and/or easy to find when you need him).
WHEELBARROW= (see picture)
A MESS= When things are untidy, dirty or scattered around. (opposite= tidy and/or clean) (see examples of a mess)
PIGEONS= Doves (see picture). A dove and a pigeon are not exactly the same, but I couldn't tell the difference. Well, the gray ones that populate most cities are pigeons, not doves. The beautiful white dove which is the symbol of peace is... well, a dove /dʌv/.
TAP= (AmE also "faucet") The thing we use to open and close the water flow from a pipe, for example to get water in the kitchen or in the bathroom.