3-24 The date
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Survival course to learn English from scratch

1- watch the video. 2- watch it again repeating after the teacher. 3- read the transcript (optional), see if you understand. 4- watch the video again once or more times until you learn the lesson well. 5- now try to use some objects to reproduce the dialogue (more or less) so you can practise what you just learnt.

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videos with the kind permission of the author:

This is called a calendar, calendar.
This is the year. It could be any year, let's say is this year.
We say 2008 (two thousand and eight).
What year? What year is it?
Two thousand and eight. Two thousand and eight.
What month is it?
This is called a month.
What month is it?
Mmm, let's say it's January.
It's January.
What month is it?
These are called days, days.
One day, two days, three days.
Let's say today, now, this date is three.
We say, this is the third day of the month.
What day is it?
It's the third day of January.
What day is it?
It's January third, 2008.