3-31 The days of the week
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Survival course to learn English from scratch

1- watch the video. 2- watch it again repeating after the teacher. 3- read the transcript (optional), see if you understand. 4- watch the video again once or more times until you learn the lesson well. 5- now try to use some objects to reproduce the dialogue (more or less) so you can practise what you just learnt.

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videos with the kind permission of the author:

These are called the days of the week.
So, this day is a Friday. Friday the 1st of February, 2008.
This day is a Saturday. Saturday the 2nd of February, 2008.
This day is a Sunday. Sunday. The 3rd.
This day is a Monday. The 4th.
This day is a Tuesday. The 5th.
This day is a Wednesday. The 6th.
This day is a Thursday. the 7th.
This day is a Friday. The 8th.
This day is a Saturday. The 9th.