How to use 'the thing is' - chunks - informal conversation in English (English with Cambrige)
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In informal spoken English, there are a lot of common patterns of two or more words. For example:

‘…you know…’
‘…or something…’
‘…the thing is…’

We call these chunks.

Some of these may not work in formal writing, but native speakers use them a lot in informal, social English. Using them in conversations can help you sound more fluent. Can you hear the chunks in these real conversations?

You will get explanations at the end of the video.


In informal spoken English, there are a lot of common patterns of two or more words.
For example:

‘…you know…’
‘…or something…’
‘…the thing is…’

We call these chunks. Some of these may not work in formal writing, but native speakers use them a lot in informal, social English. Using them in conversations can help you sound more fluent.  Can you hear the chunks in this real conversation?