Kiss someone passionately (Videojug) |
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Nervous about your first kiss? Let this video show you how to kiss someone passionately. Kissing tips, hints, and advice on how to perfect that kiss for that special person in your life.
Hello and welcome to VideoJug. We’re going to show you how to kiss someone passionately. When you think about it, putting your lips onto other person’s lips and moving them about is an odd thing to do, but do it right and it can be a wonderful experience.
STEP ONE: You Will Need
• A pair of lips
• Someone to kiss
• Confidence
STEP TWO: Preparation
Check your breath and avoid strong foods like onion, garlic or strong flavours, unless of course your partner has been indulging in the same foods. If in doubt about your breath, suck a breath mint. But remember to have swallowed this before you start kissing, or your partner will be very surprised, particularly if they don't like mint.
STEP THREE: Be confident
When kissing someone for the first time, remember nothing ruins a kiss more than uncertainty. This confidence is essential, as hard as it is to get a kiss, it will be harder to get one after a failed attempt. Once you have decided you are going to kiss someone, choose your moment and go for it.
STEP FOUR: The lips
It’s best to start off simply. When it feels right, tilt your head slightly to one side to avoid clashing noses, lean in and press your lips onto your partner's lips, softly, so you don't bump teeth. If you do bump teeth accidentally, just carry on kissing.
Vary the amount you open your mouth, and the rhythm of your kisses. You may wish to use the tip of your tongue.
STEP FIVE: Advanced techniques
French kissing
This style of kissing was not invented by the French, although they are probably quite good at it. It refers to the type of kiss where you insert your tongue deep into the other person's mouth and move it around. It is perhaps best defined by what you should not do. You should try to avoid swirling your tongue around aggressively like an electric eel caught in a fishing net, but equally you should not let your entire tongue go completely limp and floppy. If it feels right, you are probably doing it right.
As the kiss progresses you may want to move to the neck. Kissing and nibbling the neck is perfectly acceptable when snogging and is the reason for the term necking.
Love bites
A love bite is a red mark left on the skin, usually the neck or shoulder, caused by excessive lip suction on the skin. It is, depending on your point of view, a charming memento of the kissing session or a repulsive and embarrassing bruise. It’s best to discuss the giving or receiving of a love bite with your partner before leaving one.
STEP SIX: What to do with the rest of your body
This is really up to you. There are many things you can do to heighten a kiss, you can hold or stroke your partner's back, run your fingers through their hair, or feel other parts of their body. Who knows where this might lead..... Well done, you are now kissing somebody passionately.
ONTO= The difference between ON and ONTO is the same as the difference between IN and INTO. We use ON / IN to talk about position:
- The book is on the table. The ball is in the box.
We use ONTO / INTO to talk about movement:
- put the book onto the table. Put the ball into the box.
Sometimes we use IN for movement. Very often we also use ON for movement.
MOVING THEM ABOUT= Although it is not very common, we can use ABOUT instead of AROUND when talking about motion.
ODD= Strange
ONION= A white round vegetable with a strong smell and flavour. People cry when they cut this because vapours get into your eyes. The first syllable is pronounced with the vowel in HUT (not SOCK): /ʌnjən/.
GARLIC= Another white vegetable with a strong smell. It is used in food (especially Mediterranean food, yummy) and also to keep vampires away from you (and also potential lovers).
PARTNER= In this context, your lover.
BREATH MINT= A sweet (AmE candy) with a strong mint flavour, used to keep your breath fresh.
SWALLOW= To pass from your mouth to your stomach.
RUIN= Spoil, destroy.
TILT= To incline. To move into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other.
AVOID + -ING= If you avoid doing something you try not to do it.
CLASH= Bump, hit.
IF YOU DO BUMP TEETH= We can use the auxiliary DO in affirmative sentences to emphasize the main verb.
CARRY ON + -ING= Continue
RHYTHM= notice the pronunciation /rɪðəm/.
TONGUE= pronounced /tʌŋ/
SWIRL= To turn round and round with a twisting motion.
AN ELECTRIC EEL= A long fish similar to a snake which lives in the sea and can give you an electric shock if you touch it.
LIPM= Without firmness or stiffness, without vitality.
FLOPPY= Soft and flexible.
NIBBLE= To take little bites.
SNOG= To kiss and cuddle (cuddle= embrace, hold)
TERM= Word
CHARMING= Very nice
MEMENTO= Something that makes you remember something.
REPULSIVE= Causing repugnance or aversion; disgusting.
BRUISE= To injure (body tissue) without breaking the skin, leaving a red or bluish mark.
HEIGHTEN= Improve, make better.
HOLD= Embrace, hug, cuddle. Put your arms around sombedoy.
MIGHT= The auxiliaries MAY and MIGHT are used to express possibility. "Might" makes it less probable than "May", but today they are both often used with no difference in meaning.
DONE= Finished. Mission accomplished.