Megaupload song (Kim Kardashian, etc) |
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This certainly is a great commercial and a good song. No wonder, the list of singers participating here is quite impressive (at least in number): Diddy,, Alicia Keys, Snoop Dogg, Kanye West, Lil John, Kim Kardashian, Jamie Foxx, Chris Brown. All of them united for one single reason, promoting a file upload site. Well, not the best project in the world (like the legendary African Aid projects and the like), but the result is a catchy song that drives the message home: use Megaupload, the best site for sharing files on the Net. Except... well, as you probably know, the FBI has prosecuted the site and closed it down, so all this wonderful publicity they're getting with this undoubtedly, expensive and original promoting video, is going down the drain. I don't know if this ban will be permanent or we'll see the site up and about again some day in the future, but so far, this is what you can see when you open the site:
This domain name associated with the website has been seized pursuant to an order issued by a U.S. District Court.
A federal grand jury has indicted several individuals and entities allegedly involved in the operation of and related websites charging them with the following federal crimes:
Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering (18 U.S.C.§ 1962(d)), Conspiracy to Commit Copyright infringement (18.U.S.C. § 371), Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering (18 U.S.C. § 1956(h)), and Criminal Copyright Infringement (18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 2319; 17 U.S.C. § 506).
All complete with three big official seals of the Department of Justice, the FBI Anti-Piracy Warning and the IPR Centre of National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Centre. All quite impressive and scary. Looks like they're going serious about it and they really don't like one of the most important features of the Internet: sharing things for free. Of course, in a consumerist economist like the ones we have today almost everywhere in the world, anything that means people can get things for free is really threatening for the system (and the system is usually "They", not us). The logic behind their way of thinking is: if you want to give your brother some bread, do it, but I also want some money in the process. Well, maybe a bit exaggerated but not far from truth. I've bought many books, will I have to pay money to the publisher (not even to the rightful author) every time I lend my books to a friend? The answer seems to be, "well, we're thinking about it". Scary.
Yesterday I saw a video by the group Anonymous threatening the American government for taking this measure against freedom. There was this guy wearing the well-known Guy Fawkes mask to cover his head like a terrorist and saying that they will certainly take measures and, beware, you will suffer for this, and blah blah. The most shocking part of this video is that they insisted once and again that they were talking in the name of... and they gave a long list of Latin American countries. Oh, Come on! You say they are going against democracy and freedom and against the people and you (who are you by the way?) you go there, masked, and start saying things IN THE NAME OF... whom? Who ever gave you guys the right to talk in the name of us, who voted you?, who encouraged you? Why don't you guys talk for yourselves instead of saying "I'm going to destroy this and that in the name of Mexico, Argentina, Chile, etc.". I'm fed up of politicians talking "in the name of" me and all my country fellows, but at least they were democratically elected. But now, it seems like everybody speaks and does in the name of the people, while we just sit down and watch. Al Quaeda is killing people (mostly fellow Muslims) in the name of the Muslim people, ETA is (or was) killing people (many of them Basques) in the name of the Basques, the Americans go to war against other countries in the name of the West or in the name of the whole world, and the list goes on and on and on. Well, to all of you guys who live up there in the clouds feeling like little gods who can control our destiny, when you have something to say, speak in your name, act in your name, and don't be so coward as to pretend it's me who pushes you to do that. I am responsible for my acts, grow up you guys and be responsible for yours and stop pretending you represent anyone. Even in a democratic system, people vote you to rule, and that's it, don't use our votes to justify that everything you do is in the name of the people who voted you because that is the people's will. No, my vote is only a choice, what you do when you get to power is what YOU decide, probably NOT what I wish. So I'll say it once again: you guys in power, legitimately or illegitimately, stop pretending to speak, do and think for me, I'm old enough to live my own life and take my own decisions, I am responsible for me and you don't represent me.
Oops, looks like I needed to get it off my chest, the American government move and the Anonymous response, both really got on my nerves, feels like they're playing a chess game and we are the pawns (or so they intend).
Maybe some day you'll come to my site only to find some kind of official warning like that one saying that my site was seized and I'm being prosecuted for... well, not for money laundering, that's for sure :) Or maybe you’ll find it hacked and brought down, attacked by those Anonymous group who claim to fight for me, but maybe they didn’t like the things I said about them. So enjoy my site while you have it guys, it's all free, and free to share. Thanks for being there.
Megaupload, load
Upload to me today
Send me a file
Megaupload, load, load
When I gotta send files across the globe
I use Megaupload
Mega, Mega-Upload
When I gotta send files across the globe
I use Megaupload
Mega, Mega-Upload
I use Megaupload, man
I like to use megaupload
Yea, I like megaupload
I like Megaupload
I love Megaupload
I love Megaupload
I love Megaupload because it moves fast, just like I like it.
Upload to me today
Send me a file
Upload to me today
Send me a file
Load, load
Users, one billion
A day, fifty million
Four percent of the internet
Get the Mega Manager
It's 10 times faster
Bit by Bit
It's a hit, it's a hit!
Upload to me today
Send me a file
Upload to me today
Send me a file
Check it out, check it out
For free
Check it out, chek it out
For free
Cause It's fast, fast as hell
Cause It's fast, fast as hell
Check it out!
Check it out
Upload to me today
Send me a file, oh
Upload to me today
Send me a file, oh
Upload to me today
Send me a file, oh
Upload to me today
Upload to me today
Megaupload, load (M.E.G.A)
MEGAUPLOAD= One of the most famous file hosting companies on the Internet, based on Hong Kong and recently (January 2012) shut down by the American government as a way of fighting piracy (free sharing). A file hosting company is where you can upload files from your computer to their servers, and then everybody can access that file on the Internet and download it to their computers, so you can share your files with the people you choose or with anyone in the world.
MEGA-= A prefix meaning “very big”. Also, a megabyte is about 1000 bytes, so when we are talking about how big a file is, we usually talk about the megas it takes (or gigas, about 1000 megas). So using the prefix “mega” suggests that we’re talking about something big (a lot of capacity) and also that we’re talking about computer files. The rest of the word, “Upload”, means to transfer files from your computer to the Internet (to do the opposite is to “download”). So yea, it’s a very clever name for a file hosting company.
I GOTTA (coll.)= I got to, I’ve got to, I must.
MAN= (coll. esp. AmE) A way of addressing another man, especially a friend or colleague:
- Hi man, how you doin'?
ACROSS THE GLOBE= Everywhere in the world.
You can also say, for example, “people across the country is taking up the streets”, meaning that is happening everywhere in the country.
BILLION= A very confusing word. In some countries, a billion is a million of millions, but in some places it is just one thousand millions.
1,000= one thousand
10,000= ten thousand
100,000= one hundred thousand
1,000,000= one million
10,000,000= ten million
100,000,000= one hundred million
1,000,000,000= one thousand million = (A BILLION)
10,000,000,000= ten thousand million =(ten billion)
100,000,000,000= one hundred thousand million (= 100 billion)
1,000,000,000,000= one billion (= a thousand billion)
American people, recently British people too, and some other countries, use the word “billion” to mean “one thousand million”, but most countries in the word use “billion” to mean “one million of millions”, so the word “billion” is ambiguous, but the expression “one thousand million” is correctly understood in any language, including English. The funny thing is that many news, originating in American or British agencies, talk about billions (1,000,000,000) and foreign news agencies just translate it like that, so sometimes the news can turn out to be really shocking for other countries.
A DAY= every day. On the video you can read "per day", which is a more formal way to say the same thing.
- I go to the dentist once a month = I go once per month (one time every month)
BIT BY BIT= Little by little, gradually. But a “bit” is also the smallest unit of information (which can be a 1/on, or a 0/off), so there’s a double meaning here.
IT’S A HIT= It’s a success.
CHECK IT OUT= (coll. and cool) Come and see, try it, experience it for yourself and see if you like it.
- They just opened a new Italian restaurant across the street, let’s go and check it out.
- I wrote a new song, do you wanna check it out, man?
CAUSE= (coll.) Because.
FAST AS HELL= Very very fast.
We can use “as hell” to emphasize an adjective (it’s not a rude expression but not too nice either, at least for some people). For obvious reasons, it is more often used to emphasize negative adjectives (hell is the opposite of heaven, it’s the place where bad souls will suffer after death), but just for the same reason, it can have this naughty touch to it, so it can sound cool to say.
- Oh man, that sofa’s big as hell, how are we supposed to take it upstairs?
- Look at that girl, dude, pretty as hell, ain’t she?
AMAZING= Wonderful, fantastic, great, cool.
Well, basically, what the song says is: get a free account on the best file hosting server of the Internet (so they say), or buy a premium account if you really like it fast. And you get all those cool and famous American singers telling you that, so you will think they must be right, right? All commercials and publicity in general is just an attempt to manipulate you into buying something, but hey, I love the manipulation in this song, sounds cool. Not that I was using or will use Megaupload anyway, but I like the song.