Pack your bags (Videojug) |
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Practical advice on how to pack your suitcases if you're going on holiday (esp. if you're going to the beach)
This is a TEXT VERSION (not an exact or complete transcript)
Pack Your Bags For A Sun, Sea And Sand Holiday. A well earned holiday should always start as you mean it to go on. Therefore, why not get it right from the beginning! Learn how to pack your suitcase efficiently and effectively.
Step 1:
You will need
* A bed
* A strong suitcase with a quite large outside pocket
* Half a metre of ribbon in a colour of your choice
* A note pad and pen
* Clear plastic bags
* Sellotape
Step 2:
Make a holiday day book
Sit down with your pen and notepad and work-out how many days and nights you are away for - a kind of holiday calendar.
It is also a good idea to make 3 lists
1) Clothes, accessories and shoes that are
2) Toiletries and grooming products.
3) And miscellaneous items that you can't do
Step 3:
Be realistic
Look at your clothes list and see how well it compares to your holiday calendar. For a week or long weekend you will want a least one outfit a day and something for each evening.
Step 4:
Prepare the items
Once you have made your list put everything you think you want to take with you on the bed. This way you can see exactly what needs to be packed.
If it doesn't all fit on the bed, then it's probably not going to fit into your case, so do not try to cram too much on the bed.
Light cotton items like t-shirts, jerseys, swimsuits, sarongs and nightwear can all be rolled to lessen the creasing. This also creates more space in the suitcase.
For daywear, make sure you take a selection of outfits for excursions or sightseeing and for the days when you are not relaxing on the beach.
For evenings mix and match a well cut non patterned skirt or trousers, with nice sparkly tops.
No matter how hot your holiday destination is, it is still a good idea to take a light sweater in case of chilly evenings. And don't forget to pack a light jacket, especially if you will be returning home to cold weather.
In the case of footwear, pack them into clear plastic bags to stop them dirtying up the other clothing. Make sure you have a small but varied selection of shoes and sandals.
With toiletries, try not to double up on products. Some products may do the same job, so leave out what you don't need. Try taking all-in-one shampoo and conditioner instead of separate ones. Miniature bottles are also a great way to create more space. Pack your toiletries into plastic bags before putting it into a toiletry bag to prevent leaks going on to your clothes. For extra safety secure any loose or pop up lids with a piece of sellotape.
Taking a mini first aid kit is a good idea too. Make sure you have everything you think you may need. Plasters, Band-Aids, anti-diarrhoea tablets are some good examples.
Underwear, especially lacy, silky items should also be placed into plastic bags to prevent them tearing or snagging. You could do the same with socks, belts and bandanas.
Remember to keep checking that everything you pack is on your list. If you leave something out, cross it off your list.
Step 5:
Miscellaneous items
There will be lots of things that you need to take that don't fall into the clothes or toiletry categories. You may want to pack:
A sun hat
A good selection of books
A travel adaptor
Wet wipes and tissues
Your iPod
Suntan lotion
Mosquito repellent, cream for you body and a plug in for your room
Playing cards or travel games
And a camera
Step 6:
Pack your case
Start by packing jeans and trousers at the bottom of the case to keep them flat and put any heavy items at the bottom so as to not crease delicate clothing. Also lay flat any towels. Now put your rolled clothes in to make more space around the case and put any books at the bottom or as near to the bottom of the case as possible.
Pack your shoes into the case. Hats that can be squashed can go on the top.
Close the case, zip it all the way round. You shouldn't need to sit on it because it should be perfectly packed. Now tie your ribbon on to the handle or strap so you can readily identify your suitcase and no-one else will mistake it for theirs.
For extra security, lock your case with a padlock or similar device.
Step 7:
Departure day
It's nearly holiday time! You can put last minute toiletries into the side pocket of your suitcase or your hand luggage. Make sure you pack passports and tickets in your hand luggage too. Don't forget all the other things you may want with you during the flight.
Once you are at your holiday destination, all you have to do is relax and unwind as everything you need will be right at your fingertips.
And that's how to pack for a Sun, Sea & Sand holiday the VideoJug way.
YOUR BAGS= your luggage/baggage (suitcases, etc.)
THEREFORE,= so, for that reason,
LARGE= big
NOTE PAD= notebook
SELLOTAPE= adhesive transparent cellophane plastic band, often called "sellotape" because it is the most famous brand (product name). Also called "scotch tape", after another famous brand.
WORK-OUT= find the solution (sometimes by making mathematical calculations)
ACCESSORIES= things you carry with you to complement your clothes, such as a handbag, a purse or wallet, jewellery, a watch, glasses, etc.
TOILETRIES= products you use in the toilet for grooming (to look better), such as shampoo, soap, perfume, aftershave, etc.
ITEMS YOU CAN’T DO WITHOUT= things you need so you can’t be without them
OUTFIT= a set of clothes, especially one you wear for a specific occasion. An outfit may just be the clothes you’re wearing at this moment: a pair of trousers, a sweater, a jacket and shoes.
TO PACK YOUR BAGS= to prepare your luggage and put everything inside your suitcases and/or and travel bags.
THEY FIT ON THE BED= there is room enough for them on the bed
CRAM= to cram people or things into a place means to put or push more of them into the place than there is room for
JERSEY= sweater. The word "jersey" is old-fashioned so not many people use it. "Jumper" is fine, but some people in England consider it to be a bit posh, "pull-over" is not so common, so "sweater" is the most common and safe word to use for tops.
SARONG= a long piece of cloth attached around the waist or under the armpit. It used to be worn especially by Malaysian people and other parts of South-East Asia and Africa, but now it’s fashionable all over the world and women wear it on the beach.
NIGHTWEAR= clothes to wear in bed
LESSEN THE CREASING= reduce creases, minimize the marks you get on clothes when packed. CREASES are irregular lines that appear on cloth, paper, etc. when it has been crushed or packed. We can also use the verb TO CREASE, meaning to produce those marks.
DAYWEAR= the clothes you wear during the day (as opposed to nightwear)
MATCH= to mach two things means to relate them, to connect them somehow. To match two items of clothing means to wear them together (esp. because they go well together).
PATTERNED= with a drawing or a design. The opposite is PLAIN (or "non patterned"). A plain skirt is a skirt with just one colour all over; a patterned skirt has drawings and usually different colours.
SPARKLY= with bright and vivid colours
TOPS= anything you wear over your trunk: sweaters, t-shirts, blouses, etc., but not jackets, coats, etc., which are used over the tops.
CHILLY= cold
LIGHT JACKET= a jacket made of thin fabric (material) so it’s not too warm
FOOTWEAR= the things you wear on your feet: shoes
TO STOP THEM DIRTYING= The verb "stop" is followed by –ING meaning "to prevent them from dirtying". The verb "to dirty" means "to get dirty", and it would be much more usual to say "to stop them from getting dirty".
DOUBLE UP= have two items of the same thing (for instance, two aftershaves)
ALL-IN-ONE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER= a single product which is, at the same time, a shampoo and a conditioner, all in one.
TOILETRY BAG= a small bag used for putting toilet products in when you’re travelling.
A LEAK= a liquid leaks when it slowly goes out of its container. If it rains a lot and the roof leaks, then drops of rain are falling inside the house from the ceiling, and you have a leak on the ceiling.
LOOSE= something that is loose is not firmly fixed in place
LID= the top of a box or other container which can be removed or raised when you want to open the container
POP UP LID= a lid which can be opened by pushing with one finger. They often open with a "pop" sound, hence the name.
FIRST AID KIT= a small box containing some basic medicines and tools to deal with accidents or illnesses
PLASTER, BAND-AIDS= as far as I know, both words refer to the same thing: a little strip of fabric (cloth) with adhesive ends which is used to cover minor cuts. If you cut your finger, you cover the cut with a plaster, to prevent infections. But people don’t usually say "plaster", in England they prefer the word "band-aid", which is the most famous plaster brand (commercial name of a product). Another brand name used is "elastoplast".
TABLET= pill (a small hard piece of medicine which you swallow)
ANTI-DIARRHOEA= to stop diarrhoea. Be careful with the spelling "diarrhoea", and the pronunciation: (D+I+SCHWA+R+’E+SCHWA)
UNDERWEAR= clothes you wear under your outer clothes: pants, panties, vests, bras. In AmE, "underwear" is the same as "pants" (the shorts you wear under your trousers)
LACY= with laces (lace= a very delicate cloth which is made with a lot of holes in it). Female underwear often has laces on the edges, for decoration.
SILKY= made of silk, a very fine fabric (cloth) made from the cocoon of a particular caterpillar originally from China.
TO PLACE= to put
TEAR= break
SNAG= if you snag part of your clothing on something sharp, you damage it (break it) by catching it on the sharp thing as you move.
SOCKS= you wear them on your feet, under your shoes
BANDANA= a light brightly-coloured handkerchief which is worn around a person’s neck or head (for example, pirates used to wear bandanas on their heads, instead of hats)
ON YOUR LIST= with the word LIST you can use the preposition IN or ON, but the second one is more usual.
CROSS OFF/OUT= To CROSS something OUT is to write a line on top of a word or words to show that it’s not valid. To CROSS something OFF means to remove it by crossing it out. In this example, if you cross an item off the list, you cross it out to show that it’s not on the list anymore.
TRAVEL ADAPTOR= a device that you use to connect your electrical appliances (things that use electricity to work) into a different kind of socket on the wall. For example, plugs and sockets in the Continent (continental Europe) have three rounded sticks, but in the UK they are not rounded, but flat, and bigger, so if you want to connect a Continental hair-dryer into an English socket you’ll need a travel adaptor.
TISSUES= handkerchiefs made of paper (the most famous brand is Kleenex, so people sometimes use that word)
WET WIPES= like tissues but made of a stronger fabric (usually cloth) and wet, usually with alcohol or cream.
SUNTAN LOTION= a cream used to protect you from the sun and not get burnt, also supposedly made to help you tan faster (white people get tanned, or suntanned, when they are exposed to sun rays and their skin turns to brown)
PLUG IN= in this context, a plug in is probably the same as a travel adaptor
CASE= suitcase
SQUASHED= crushed, pressed
RIBBON= a long narrow piece of cloth that is used for tying things together or as a decoration. For example, birthday presents are usually inside a box with a ribbon around it, used for decoration
HANDLE= the part of an object (suitcase, cup, door, etc.) designed for taking it, or pulling it, or lifting it, etc. (made for your hand)
STRAP= a narrow band of leather, cloth or other material, which is used to carry something or to hold it in place. It is also used to fasten something such as a suitcase or a watch.
TO LOCK= to close something with a key, so that you can only open it using the key again.
PADLOCK= a lock made for fastening two things together. It consists of a block of metal with a U-shaped bar attached to it, one end of which is released when the padlock is unlocked with a key.
HAND LUGGAGE= a small suitcase or a travel bag that you can carry with you when you get on a plane, bus, etc.
UNWIND= relax
AT YOUR FINGERTIPS= very near, so you can take it if you want/need it
VIDEOJUG= a brand of videos (this video was produced by VideoJug)