The little pianist
Video page
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn vocabulary with this speed game. Based on the video The Little Pianist.
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Meaning
to perform To act
Audience People watching/listening.
Performance An activity that a person or group does to entertain an audience.
Sticker An adhesive label/picture.
Sincere Who tells the truth.
Hum To sing the notes of a song while keeping your lips closed.
There was once... Once upon a time...
Piano key One of the pieces you press in a piano to produce a sound.
Stage A raised platform in a theater or an auditorium.
Surrounded Having people or things around you.
Brush your teeth To clean your teeth with a toothbrush.
Hold out To reach outward with something, such as your hand.
Missing Absent, not there.
Gorgeous Fantastic
Tick To make a clicking sound.
Stare Gaze fixedly; look intensely.
Wonder Ask oneself, be curious to know.
Pull out Take out
Bench A long seat for two or more people.
Flutter To move of flap the wings quickly without flying.
Look for Search for, seek.
Whisper To speak quietly, in a low tone.
Total number of items: 22
This is an activity from Multimedia-English