The little pianist
Video page
Focus Vocabulary
Description Learn vocabulary with this speed game. Based on the video The Little Pianist.
Instructions You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)
Item Meaning
Piano key One of the pieces you press in a piano to produce a sound.
Tick To make a clicking sound.
Audience People watching/listening.
Pull out Take out
Hold out To reach outward with something, such as your hand.
Wonder Ask oneself, be curious to know.
Whisper To speak quietly, in a low tone.
Stage A raised platform in a theater or an auditorium.
Bench A long seat for two or more people.
There was once... Once upon a time...
Sticker An adhesive label/picture.
Gorgeous Fantastic
Look for Search for, seek.
Brush your teeth To clean your teeth with a toothbrush.
Performance An activity that a person or group does to entertain an audience.
Hum To sing the notes of a song while keeping your lips closed.
to perform To act
Sincere Who tells the truth.
Flutter To move of flap the wings quickly without flying.
Missing Absent, not there.
Stare Gaze fixedly; look intensely.
Surrounded Having people or things around you.
Total number of items: 22
This is an activity from Multimedia-English