Before doing this activity you may need to read the text you will find at the end

  Fill in the Gaps
Question Tags: special cases
Focus Grammar
Description Practise making question tags with an emphasis on special cases.
Instructions Write the suitable words inside the gaps to complete the sentence with the correct question tag. Use the -TAB- key on your computer keyboard to move from one box to the next.
Gapped text
She's not talking to Peter, ____________?
We can stay here for a while, ________________?
Doctor, I'm very ill, ________________?
Ronny lives near the sea, ____________________?
I've never been in your house, ____________?
I am out of the game, ________________?
Let's stay at home and watch TV, ________________?
The doctor hasn't arrived yet, ____________?
Do me a favour, ________________? Give this parcel to your sister.
There's a house on that hill, ______________________?
Have another cup of tea, ________________? I know you like it.
Let's go and help him, ________________?
Come here, ________________?
David has never been to Salamanca, ____________?
When you go to the shop remember to get some sugar too. Don't forget, ________________?
I'm not doing it correctly, ________?
Let's go to the cinema tonight, ________________?
Please, come for dinner tonight, ________________? I'd love to talk to you.
Well, I think I'm wrong, ________________?
Shut up, ________________?
You never listen, ____________?
I think I am your teacher, ________________?
There was a man at the party in a red jacket, ________________________?
Mike must look after her little sister, ____________________?
I'm not participating in that meeting, ________?
I think you'd like to buy this one, ________________________?
Close that window, ________________?
You've got three sisters, ______________________?
You probably should call her, __________________________?
He'll come here first, ________________?
Total number of items: 30
This is an activity from Multimedia-English


Question tags always use a special verb
The subject is always a pronoun, and it is inverted (because it is a question, of course)
Affirmative sentences add a negative question tag and negative sentences add an affirmative question tag




The negative question tag "am I not" has no contraction. Because a question tag with no contraction sounds very pedantic, we prefer a very ungrammatical constraction but which is correct for question tags: "aren't I?"

- I'm late, aren't I?
- I'm talking to the walls, aren't I?

After a sentence with Let's... we use "shall we?"
- Let's go out for a walk, shall we?
- Let's study tomorrow morning, shall we?


After an imperative we use "will you?" (always affirmative). We can consider "will you?" as an equivalent to "please" (more or less)
- Open the door, will you?
- Don't smoke in this room, will you?
- Come to my party, will you?
- Have a coffee, will you?
- Don't look at me like that, will you?

If there are two verbs in the sentence, the question tag may refer to one or the other, you must use your common sense here:

- I think you're John, aren't you? (= are you John?)
- I think you're John, don't I (= do I think...?)  [this would be correct but very rare]