Before doing this activity you may need to read the text you will find at the end
Item | Match | Comments |
weather: two days ago horrible, yesterday bad, today good = The weather is... | The weather is getting better and better | |
Tom 1.75 metres tall, Mike 1.76 = Tom is... | Tom is a bit shorter than Mike | |
John 1.71 metres tall, James 1.75 = John is... (tall) | John is not so tall as David | |
David 1.52 metres tall, Jim 1.90 = David is... (tall) | David is much less tall than Jim | |
Road 1: 20 kms, road 2: 22 kms = road 2 is... | Road 2 is a bit longer than road 1 | |
Tom 1.75 metres tall, Mike 1.76 = Mike is... | Mike is a bit taller than Tom | |
book: 5 o'clock good, 6:00 boring, now super boring = This book... | This book is getting more and more boring | |
David 1.52 metres tall, Jim 1.90 = David is... (short) | David is much shorter than Jim | |
Tim 1.55 metres tall, Josh 1.60, Pete 1.92 = Pete is... | Pete is by far the tallest of them all | |
plant: May small, June big, July very big, August (today) super big = This plant... | This plant is getting bigger and bigger | |
red box: 31 cups, blue box 35 cups = The red box is... (full) | The red box is a bit less full than the blue box | |
Road 1: 20 kms, road 2: 30 kms, road 3: 547kms = road 3 is... | Road 3 is by far the longest of them | |
Daniel 1.75 metres tall, Josh 1.75 = Daniel is... | Daniel is as tall as David | |
Tom: May 80 kgs, June 85 kgs, July (today) 90kg = Tom is... (fat) | Tom is getting fatter and fatter | |
David 1.52 metres tall, Jim 1.90 = Jim is... (tall) | Jim is much taller than David |
- my friend is tall --> my friend is taller than me
- my friend is very tall --> my friend is much taller than me
- my friend is a bit tall --> my friend is a bit taller than me
- my friend is very very very tall --> my friend is by far the tallest
- My friend is much less tall than me
- my friend is by far the tallest in class (much much taller than the rest)
- my friend is much more intelligent than John
- my girl-friend is by far the most wonderful girl in the world
To express that the quality is increasing, you use more and more
- It's getting darker and darker
- You are becoming more and more stupid