Before doing this activity you may need to read the text you will find at the end

  Put in Order
Frequency adverbs: position
Focus Grammar
Description Practise how to put adverbs of frequency in the right place inside the sentence.
Instructions Order these sentences so the adverb of frequency comes in the right position.
go on holiday / My parents / almost never
you / at home? / usually / Do / have lunch
? / to the gym / every day / you / go / Do
listen / never / They / can
I / five times / saw / it
Place it in mid-position (not at the end)
win / ? / Does / Kevin / always
My car / several times a year / breaks down
I / hardly ever / eat / oranges
Place it in mid-position (not at the end)
often / feel tired? / you / Do
I / once a year / go / to the dentist / usually
your car keys / can / You / find / never
help you / will / if you need it / rarely / Tom
usually / very tired / Something is the matter with me. I / in the mornings. / am
some petrol / I travel a lot. I / need / every other day.
Place it in mid-position (not at the beginning or the end)
in blue / She / dresses / very often
have / every other day / We / soup
Begin the sentence with SHE
rarely / when you talk to her / She / listens
do / you / How / often / to the disco? / go
Place it in mid-position (not at the beginning or the end)
John / often / late / is
what to say / never / know / I
I / get up / at 8 a.m. / always
once a month / go / I / to the hairdresser's / usually
Place it in mid-position (not at the beginning or the end)
Mike / pizza / for dinner / often / eats
go / I / three times a week / to the gym
Place it in mid-position (not at the end)
in green? / Can / I / dress / always
Place it in mid-position (not at the beginning or the end)
They / need / usually / some help with the homework
She / is / always / asking me questions
Place it in mid-position (not at the beginning or the end)
come / to help me / My parents / very often
Begin the sentence with YESTERDAY
phoned / Yesterday, / me / twice / she
have to go / I / day in, day out / shopping
Total number of items: 30
This is an activity from Multimedia-English


These adverbs answer the question: How often?
Here is a list ordered from more to less frequency (percentages are approximative)

ALWAYS (100%)
USUALLY (85%)      = generally, normally
OFTEN (75%)
SOMETIMES (50%)      = now and then
SELDOM (25%)
RARELY (10%)
NEVER (0%)

Word order:

One-word adverbs

Before normal verbs (the rest)
- I OFTEN go to the cinema
- He RARELY watches television
After special verbs (to be, have, do, can, will, etc.)
- I am ALWAYS here
- you can NEVER speak fast o
- I HARDLY EVER watch football on TV
- Tim ALMOST NEVER eats pudding
Notice: Some of these can use VERY (with the same position).
- I VERY OFTEN eat potatoes
- We VERY RARELY go to the beach

Two words or more

At the end of the sentence
- I go to the cinema TWICE A MONTH
- He works in the mornings EVERY OTHER DAY (= every two days)
- He watches football DAY IN, DAY OUT (= every day, every single day)
- We go hiking SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR (= a few times every year)

How many times?
Once = x1
Twice = x2
Three times = x3
Four times, etc. = x4

These frequency phrases usually go at the end:
- You have to ring the bell twice
- I go to the cinema once a month

- Tim goes to school three times a week