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1 - Hector's arrival (Extr@)

1 - Hector's arrival
Activity SmartMemo
Activity SmartMemo
Physical description and basic information: After watching the video match the sentences with the right character/s: Bridget, Annie, Nick, Hector.

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1- Look at the words and think of its meaning (and maybe pronunciation)
2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer.
3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.


Item Match Comments
She is slim and has got blond hair Bridget
She is slim and has dark brown hair Annie
He is tall and has fair hair Nick
He is tall and has dark hair Hector
He is from England Nick
He is from Argentina Hector
She's got curly hair Bridget
She's got straight hair Annie
They are roommates Bridget & Annie
He lives next door Nick
He is very cool Nick
He is very old-fashioned Hector
She is very nice and friendly Annie
She is a bit rude and bad-tempered Bridget
He wears glasses Hector
He doesn't wear glasses Nick
His hair is a bit wavy Nick
He's got straight hair Hector
They were penpals Bridget & Hector
They used to write to each other Bridget & Hector
He is from a different country Hector
He doesn't speak good English Hector
He speaks broken English Hector
She's got long brown hair Annie
She likes exercising Bridget
He is very rich Hector
He loves watching Bridget riding her bike Nick
He's got many cars Hector
He must sleep in the lounge Hector
He lives next door Nick
Total number of items: 30
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