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Matrix: the pill choice

Matrix: the pill choice
Activity True-False
Activity True-False
Watch the video, read the transcription and then do this activity to see if you could understand the dialogue correctly, with all its implications, according only to what they say on this video. (click on the video icon above if you haven't worked on the video page)

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For every sentence mark if it is true or false or if there is no information about it.


Question T F ?
Neo had heard of Morpheus before      
Neo feels very confused about the situation, he can't understand why Morpheus called to see him      
Morpheus is surprised that Neo feels confused      
Neo had a nightmare the night before      
Neo thinks you are not free because there is a superior force that controls your life      
Morpheus and Neo think the same about the idea of destiny      
Neo always thought life was ok and he felt comfortable with it... but now he changed his mind      
Neo thinks there is something strange interfering with "reality", but he has no idea about what that thing can be.      
Neo knows very well what the Matrix is, but he has never seen it      
The Matrix can only control public life, that's why they are talking inside Morpheus' house      
Morpheus explains that the Matrix controls everybody, but Neo is free (that's why he is so interested in him)      
Everybody is born free, but then they fall into the trap of the Matrix      
Morpheus lives outside the Matrix      
Not many people can explain what the Matrix is      
Neo has to decide which pill to take, but if he doesn't take either pill he has made a decision anyway.      
If Neo doesn't take a pill now, maybe Morpheus can take him to see what the Matrix is some day      
If Neo takes the pill that won't change anything, he will fall asleep      
if Neo makes the right choice, Morpheus will take him to somebody who can show him what the Matrix is.      
Neo is afraid and nervous about his decision      
Neo thinks Morpheus may be a secret agent      
Total number of items: 20
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