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Doing Things - (basic vocabulary)

Doing Things - (basic vocabulary)
Activity MasterBlaster
Activity MasterBlaster
Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).

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You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)


Item Pronunciation Meaning
blow /bləʊ/ soplar
break /breɪk/ romper
buy /baɪ/ comprar
carry /kærɪ/ transportar
catch /kætʃ/ atrapar
chop /tʃɒp/ cortar, talar, trocear
climb /klaɪm/ escalar
cook /kʊk/ cocinar
crawl /krɔ:l/ gatear
cry /kraɪ/ llorar
cut /kʌt/ cortar
dance /dɑ:ns/ bailar
dig /dɪg/ cavar, excavar
drink /drɪŋk/ beber
eat /i:t/ comer
fall /fɔ:l/ caer(se)
fight /faɪt/ luchar, pelear
hide /haɪd/ esconder(se)
jump /dʒʌmp/ saltar
knit /nɪt/ hacer punto, tejer
laugh /lɑ:f/ reir
listen /lɪsən/ escuchar
make /meɪk/ hacer, fabricar
paint /peɪnt/ pintar
pick /pɪk/ recolectar
play /pleɪ/ jugar
pull /pʊl/ tirar (halar, jalar)
push /pʊʃ/ empujar
read /ri:d/ leer
run /rʌn/ correr
sew /səʊ/ coser
sing /sɪŋ/ cantar
sit /sɪt/ sentarse
skip /skɪp/ dar saltitos
sleep /sli:p/ dormir
smile /smaɪl/ sonreir
sweep /swi:p/ barrer
take /teɪk/ tomar, coger
talk /tɔ:k/ hablar, conversar
think /θɪŋk/ pensar
throw /θrəʊ/ tirar, arrojar, lanzar
wait /weɪt/ esperar
walk /wɔ:k/ andar, caminar
wash /wɒʃ/ lavar
watch /wɒtʃ/ observar
write /raɪt/ escribir
Total number of items: 46
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