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The Farm - (basic vocabulary)

The Farm - (basic vocabulary)
Activity MasterBlaster
Activity MasterBlaster
Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).

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Item Pronunciation Meaning
barn /bɑ:n/ granero, establo
bull /bʊl/ toro
calf /kɑ:f/ ternera
cart /cɑ:t/ carreta, carro
chick /tʃɪk/ pollito
cock /kɒk/ gallo
cow /kaʊ/ vaca
cowshed /kʃed/ vaqueriza, establo
donkey /dɒŋkɪ/ burro
duck /dʌk/ pato
ducklings /dʌklɪŋz/ patitos
farmer /fɑ:mə/ granjero, agricultor, ganadero
farmhouse /fɑ:mhaʊs/ granja (casa)
fence /fens/ valla, cerca
field /fi:ld/ campo, parcela, finca
goose /gu:s/ ganso
hay /heɪ/ heno
hay loft /hlɒft/ pajar
haystack /hstćk/ montón de heno
hen /hen/ gallina
hen house /henhaʊs/ gallinero
horse /hɔ:s/ caballo
lamb /lćm/ cordero
mud /mʌd/ barro
orchard /ɔ:tʃəd/ huerto de árboles frutales
pig /pɪg/ cerdo, cochino, chancho, guarro
piglet /pɪglɪt/ cochinillo, chanchito, cerdito
pigsty /pɪgstaɪ/ pocilga, zahurda
plough /plaʊ/ arado
pond /pɒnd/ charca
saddle /sćdəl/ silla de montar a caballo
scarecrow /skkrəʊ/ espantapájaros
sheep /ʃi:p/ oveja
sheepdog i:pdɒg/ perro pastor
shepherd epəd/ pastor
stable /stbəl/ establo
straw bale /strɔ: beɪl/ paca, alpaca, bala (de paja)
tanker /tćŋkə/ camión cisterna
tractor /trćktə/ tractor
turkey /tɜ:kɪ/ pavo común
Total number of items: 40
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