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The Garden - (basic vocabulary)

The Garden - (basic vocabulary)
Activity MasterBlaster
Activity MasterBlaster
Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).

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Item Pronunciation Meaning
bee /bi:/ abeja
beehive /bi:haɪv/ colmena
bone /bəʊn/ hueso
bonfire /bɒnfaɪə/ fogata, hoguera
bricks /brɪks/ ladrillos
caterpillar /kætəpɪlə/ oruga
dustbin /dʌstbɪn/ cubo de basura
flower /flaʊə/ flor
fork /fɔ:k/ horca, trinche
grass /grɑ:s/ hierba
greenhouse /gri:nhaʊs/ invernadero
hedge /hedʒ/ seto
hoe /həʊ/ hazada
hose /həʊz/ manguera, manga (de regar)
ladybird /ldɪbɜ:d/ mariquita (insecto)
lawn mower /lɔ:n məʊə/ cortacésped
leaf /li:f/ hoja
nest /nest/ nido
path /pɑ:θ/ camino, sendero, vereda
pigeon /pɪdʒən/ paloma
rake /reɪk/ rastrillo
seed /si:d/ semilla
shed /ʃed/ cobertizo, caseta para herramientas
smoke /sməʊk/ humo
snail /sneɪl/ caracol
spade /speɪd/ pala para cavar
sprinkler /sprɪŋklə/ aspersor
sticks /stɪks/ palitos, ramitas (trozos de)
tree /tri:/ árbol
trowel /traʊəl/ palita de jardinería
vegetables /vedʒətəbəlz/ verduras
wasp /wɒsp/ avispa
watering can /wɔ:trɪŋ kæn/ regadera
wheelbarrow /wi:lbærəʊ/ carretilla
worm /wɜ:m/ gusano, lombriz
Total number of items: 35
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