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Section of English Grammar

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The Workshop - (basic vocabulary)

The Workshop - (basic vocabulary)
Activity MasterBlaster
Activity MasterBlaster
Part of the series: First 1000 Words in English (it includes Spanish translations).

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You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option. (If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)


Item Pronunciation Meaning
axe /æks/ hacha
barrel /bærəl/ barril, tonel
bolt /bɒlt/ tornillo de tuerca
calendar /kæləndə/ calendario
cobweb /kɒbweb/ telaraña
drill /drɪl/ taladro, taladradora
file /faɪl/ lima (para limar)
fly /flaɪ/ mosca
hammer /hæmə/ martillo
jar /dʒɑ:/ tarro, frasco
ladder /lædə/ escalera de mano
measuring tape /meʒərɪŋ teɪp/ cinta métrica
nail /neɪl/ clavo
nut /nʌt/ tuerca
paint pot /peɪnt pɒt/ bote de pintura
penknife /pennaɪf/ navaja
plank /plæŋk/ tabla, tablón
sandpaper /sændpeɪpə/ papel de lija
saw /sɔ:/ sierra
sawdust /sɔ:dʌst/ serrín
screw /skru:/ tornillo
screwdriver /skru:draɪvə/ destornillador
shavings vɪŋz/ virutas
spider /spdə/ araña
tacks /tæks/ chinchetas, tachuelas
tool box /tu:lbɒks/ caja de herramientas
wood /wʊd/ madera
workbench /wɜ:kbentʃ/ mesa de trabajo (en un taller)
Total number of items: 28
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