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Phonetics with... Thinking Out Loud (Ed Sheeran)

Thinking Out Loud
Activity Fill in the Gaps
Activity Fill in the Gaps
Here is a faithful transcription of Ed Sheeran's pronunciation when he sings Thinking Out Loud. See if you can understand the transcriptions.

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Read the phonetic transcription and write the sentence that it reflects.


Gapped text
/wen jɔ: legz dən wɜ:k laɪk ðeɪ ju:st tə bɪfɔ:/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
/ænd aɪ kɑ:n swi:p ju: ɒf əv jɔ: fi:t/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________
/wɪl jɔ: maʊθ stɪl rəmembə ðə teɪst əv maɪ lʌv/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
/wɪl jə aɪz stɪl smaɪl frəm jə tʃi:ks/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________
/n dɑ:lɪŋ, aɪ wɪl bi: lʌvɪn ju: tɪl wɪə sevənti:/ -- __________________________________________________________________ 'til __________________________________________________________________
/n beɪbi: maɪ hɑ:D kəd stɪl fɔ:l æz hɑ:D ət twenɪ θri:/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
/n aɪm θɪŋkɪŋ baʊt haʊ pi:pəl fɔ:l ɪn lʌv ɪn məstɪərɪəs weɪz/ -- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ways
/meɪbɪ dʒʌs ðə tʌtʃ ɒv ə hæn/ -- ____________________________________________________________
/oʊ mi:, aɪ fɔ:l ɪn lʌv wɪð ju: evri: sɪŋgəl deɪ/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
/ən aɪ dʒʌs wɒnə tel ju: aɪ æm/ -- ____________________________________________________________
/səʊ hʌni:, naʊ/ -- __________________________
/teɪk mi: ɪntə jə lʌvɪn ɑ:mz/ -- __________________________________________________________
/kɪs mi: ʌndə ðə laɪD əv ə θaʊzən stɑ:z/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________
/pleɪs jə hed ən mɑ: bi:Dɪŋ hɑ:d/ -- ______________________________________________________________________
/əm θɪŋkɪn aʊt laʊd/ -- __________________________________________
/meɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ɑ:/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________
/wen maɪ heəz ɔ:l bəʔ gɒn æn maɪ memərɪ feɪdz/ --______________________________________________________________________________________________
/æn ðə kraʊdz doʊn rəmembə maɪ neɪm/ -- __________________________________________________________________________
/wen maɪ hændz doʊn pleɪ ðə strɪŋz ðə seɪm weɪ/ -- __________________________________________________________________________________________________
/aɪ noʊ ju: wɪl stɪl lʌv mi: ðə seɪm/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________
/kɒz hʌnɪ jɔ: soʊl kəd nevə groʊ oʊld, ɪts evəgri:n/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
/beɪbi:, jɔ: smaɪlz fəʔevər ɪn ma maɪnd ən meməri:/ -- ________________________________________________________________________________________________
/aɪm θɪŋkɪŋ baʊt haʊ pi:pəl fɔ:l ɪn lʌv ɪn məstɪərɪəs weɪz/ -- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ways
/meɪbi: ɪts ɔ:l pɑ:D əv ə plæn/ -- __________________________________________________________
/aɪl dʒəs ki:p ɒn meɪkɪŋ ðə seɪm mɪsteɪks/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________________
/hoʊpɪŋ ðætʃu:l ʌndəstæn/ -- __________________________________________________________
/bət beɪbi:, naʊ/ -- __________________________
/teɪk mi: ɪntə jə lʌvɪn ɑ:mz/ -- __________________________________________________________
/kɪs mi: ʌndə ðə laɪD əv ə θaʊzən stɑ:z/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________
/pleɪs jə hed ən ma bi:Dɪŋ hɑ:d/ -- ______________________________________________________________________
/əm θɪŋkɪn aʊt laʊd/ -- __________________________________________
/ðəʔ meɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ɑ:/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________
/səʊ beɪbi:, naʊ/ -- ________________________
/teɪk mi: ɪntə jə lʌvɪn ɑ:mz/ - __________________________________________________________
/kɪs mi: ʌndə ðə laɪD əv ə θaʊzənd stɑ:z -- ______________________________________________________________________________________
/ɒʊ dɑ:lɪŋ, pleɪs jə hed ən ma bi:Dɪŋ hɑ:d/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
/əm θɪŋkɪn aʊt laʊd/ -- __________________________________________
/ðəʔ meɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ɑ:/ -- ______________________________________________________________________________________
/ɒ beɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ɑ:/ -- ________________________________________________________________________________
/ən wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ɑ:/ -- ________________________________________________________________________
Total number of items: 40
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