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White Knuckles (OK Go)

White Knuckles
Activity Put in Order
Activity Put in Order

An alternative rock song by OK Go from the album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky. The music video for "White Knuckles" premiered on The Ellen Degeneres Show on September 20, 2010, and was posted shortly afterward by the band to YouTube, being an immediate success.

The video was directed by Trish Sie, the sister of lead singer Damian Kulash. The band considered the idea "absurd and awesome". One dozen dogs were provided and trained by Talented Animals. Part of the requirement of the band was that the shot had to be performed in a single take, a feat that Roland Sonnenburg, a spokesperson for Talented Animals, said was "not bloody likely" to happen. The dogs were able to learn the routine's tricks; the most difficult trick, according to Tim Nordwind, was convincing two dogs to step in and out of a set of shelves while the band members provided platforms for the dogs to use and while spinning the shelves around. They initially trained the dogs to perform their tricks at half-speed, and slowly increasing the pace to match the song's beat; however, as they near the end of the filming period, the dogs were enjoying the performance so much that they began to outpace the song.

A total of 124 takes were made during the filming period; about 30 were complete takes, and 10 of those being considered "excellent" by the group.  The released version was Take 72, completed on the second-to-last day of shooting. They had considered splicing together other takes where certain actions were more "magical" than in Take 72, but the group did not want to cheat the one-shot requirement, and instead used what they had considered the best overall shot.


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Play the video and move the sentences around to match the lyrics.


But they just don't fit the same
Out of the hen house now
Round all the pieces up
And you can't go back
Same way you came
Out of your mouth
You never get the paw prints
You never get that taste
White knuckles
Yeah, maybe it's not so bad
So let your hair down now
Maybe it's not so bad
White knuckles
Aw, go ahead and let it down
So come and let it all out
Did you get what you need?
Let it bleed
Did you get what you want?
Tell me 'bout the bed you made
Behind the wall
Was it that bad after all?
And behind the lines
So let your hair down now
So let it all come down now
White knuckles
Maybe it's not so bad
White knuckles
Oh, maybe it's not so bad
Is far enough?
Cause nothin' doesn't ever change
So just how far
But nothing changes much.
Everybody needs to sleep at night
Everybody needs a crutch
But couldn't good Be good enough?
So let your hair down now
Just let it all come down
Yeah, maybe it's not so bad
Then let it all come down now
Yeah maybe it's not so bad
Just let your hair come down now
Oh maybe it's not so bad
Oh maybe it's not so bad
White knuckles
Total number of items: 6
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