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Yesterday (The Beatles)

Activity Fill in the Gaps
Activity Fill in the Gaps
Listen carefully and fill in the gaps of the sentences from the song Yesterday, by The Beatles.

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Write the suitable word/s inside the gaps to complete the sentence. Use the -TAB- key on your computer keyboard to move from one box to the next.


Gapped text
Yesterday, all ______________ troubles seemed so far ______________. Now it ______________ as though they're here to ______________. Oh, I ______________ in yesterday.
looks / believe / stay / today / my / say / since / man / away
________________, I'm not half the man I ________________ be. There's a ________________ hanging ________________ me. Oh, yesterday came ________________.
suddenly / sadly / used to / shadow / suddenly / used / sharon / over / on
________________ she had to go ________________ know. She ________________ say. I ________________ something ________________, now I ________________ for yesterday.
I don't / long / long / said / wouldn't / wrong / why / pouring / aren't / stay
Yesterday, ______________ was such an easy ______________ to play. Now I ______________ a place to ______________ away. Oh, I ______________ in yesterday.
came / I'd / game / pealing / believe / need / love / hide / rob
________________ she had to go ________________ know. She ________________ say. I ________________ something ________________, now I ________________ for yesterday.
why / long / said / stay / I don't / wouldn't / long / aren't / pouring / wrong
Total number of items: 5
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