Teaching English to children is quite a challenging task, as many factors can affect the process. Age, communication skills, aptitude for languages, quality, and speed of memorization — this is not a complete list of things a teacher should consider in English classes. Also, remember that kids should not feel bored while studying.
In addition, young learners need to be interested in English if you want them to have fun while learning. That's why the application of effective strategies for English language teaching is so important. Let’s review some of those approaches.
Game-based education
You must use different teaching approaches. Simply learning the rules and doing exercises will not be effective if you don’t add a game component to the activities. Learning will bring results if you manage to make it fun for your learners. Use games, both active and passive. Pupils will learn more effectively and develop comprehensively. Active games allow children to release their energy, while passive ones develop concentration and attention. Here are some games to consider:
Word Association. The game is quite simple. For example, the first participant says the word “tree,” and the second one names their first association with it. These can be words like “grow,” “green,” “forest,” etc. This way, learners replenish their active vocabulary.
Simon Says. The presenter gives commands to the participants, starting with the phrase “Simon Says.” If the call to action does not begin with these words and someone still fulfills the command, they are out of the game. This way, participants train their attention span. It's a pretty active game because you have to perform different tasks. Pupils develop English listening skills and learn how to formulate sentences.
Word Chain. This game is a bit more complicated than the previous two. Each next word should begin with the letter that ended the previous one. The task develops memory and thinking and, of course, expands learners' vocabulary.
Students perceive information much better if the teacher's story is accompanied by images or videos. There is no limit to perfection when practicing English, so you should constantly improve your language and teaching skills. Online TEFL courses are particularly useful in this regard. You will be able to implement differentiated instruction and choose the most appropriate illustrative material for the lessons depending on the age and knowledge of your pupils.
Younger learners think in images, so the visual perception of information is significant. A combination of a word’s spelling, an image of the object or phenomenon it denotes, and a soundtrack will work effectively. If possible, use a real object for illustration in the classroom. The same approach is helpful for learning numerals.
Simple instructions
Explaining things clearly is a real art form. You can improve this ability with the TEFLHandbook. It gives English teachers access to materials that make class preparation much easier and faster. The material is divided into levels. For young learners, simple explanations are important. You need to speak briefly and clearly and choose simple sentences. Complex semantic constructions make it difficult to understand the material, while short instructions make the learning process easier.
Songs and verses
The rhyming text is easier to remember. If your young learners like to sing, use it. You will help them expand their active vocabulary and get positive emotions. In addition, rules in poetic form are memorized much faster. Short songs can be effective for learning colors, numbers, or the alphabet. Don’t forget about verse riddles.
More communication in the classroom
Spontaneous conversations are particularly helpful for learning English. You should periodically ask your pupils different questions, such as “What's your favorite book?” “What did you have for breakfast today?” This way, students develop communication skills and their ability to create simple syntactic structures. Yes, such dialogues may take them out of their comfort zone. Communicating in a foreign language is difficult, but there is no other way to become fluent in English, only through language practice.
Active learning of a foreign language from early childhood can have many forms. Through games and fun activities, kids will master the language successfully. Language learning has a positive effect on thinking and cognitive processes, improves memory, sharpens intelligence, and develops observation skills. In addition, English expands the way a child perceives the world and makes interaction with it much easier.