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16 going on 17 (The Sound of Music) UNIT 5 - part of lesson B
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Listen to this song from the movie "Sounds of Music" (1965). Put your hand up every time you hear "I am 16 going on 17".

"You're 16 going on 17" = now you are 16 but soon you will be 17.

whoa, you're such a baby.
I'm 16. What's such a baby about that?

You wait little girl
On an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on

Your life little girl
Is an empty page
That men will want to write on

To write on

You are 16 going on 17
Baby, it's time to think
Better beware
Be, canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink

You are 16 going on 17
Fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads
And grueways and cads
Will offer you fruit and wine

Totally unprepared are you
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared are you
Of things beyond your ken

You need someone
Older and wiser
Telling you what to do
I am 17 going on 18
I'll take care of you

I am 16 going on 17
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe

I am 16 going on 17 innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies
Drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those?

Totally unprepared am I
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared am I
Of things beyond my ken

I need someone
Older and wiser
Telling me what to do
You are 17 going on 18
I'll depend on you

G- I am 16
B- Going on 17
G- I'll depend...
B- I'll take care...
G/B- ...on/of you

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