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Classroom English (Chinese) UNIT 7 - part of lesson L
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A selection of useful expressions to use in the classroom (Chinese accent).

1. I'm sorry. I don't know.
2. I'm sorry. I don't understand.
3. I'm sorry. I'm late.
4. I'm sorry. I forgot to bring my _____ .
5. I'm sorry. I forgot to do my homework.
6. May I turn on the fan, please?
7. May I turn off the fan, please?
8. May I turn up the fan, please?
9. May I turn down the fan, please?
10. May I turn on the air conditioner, please?
11. May I turn off the air conditioner, please?
12. May I turn on the light, please?
13. May I turn off the light, please?
14. I'm sorry I'm late. It's because I got up late.
15. I'm sorry I'm late. It's because I missed the bus.
16. I feel sick. May I go to the medical room?
17. Excuse me. May I go to the toilet, please?
18. May I be excused?
19. I can't hear clearly.
20. Could you turn up the volume, please?
21. Could you speak louder, please?
22. Could you speak more slowly, please?
23. Could you say that again, please?
24. Could you repeat the question, please?
25. I can't see the blackboard clearly.
26. May I sit near the front, please?
27. How do you say it in English?
28. How do you say that in English?
29. How do you say this word?
30. How do you say that word?
31. How do you spell ...?
32. Could you tell me the meaning of this word?
33. Could you tell me the meaning of this sentence?
34. Could you tell me the meaning of this part?
35. Does it mean ...?
36. Can you say that again?
37. Can I give it to you tomorrow?

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