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Atapuerca: 1.2 million year old human remain found
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ATAPUERCA is the set of remains the oldest and most numerous in Europe. It is considered Cultural Heritage by UNESCO since 2000, and the discoveries that have taken place in it have had an enormous scientific impact. All the sites are designated as "Place of Spanish geological interest of international importance" (Geosite) by the Geological Survey of Spain, under the name “VP006: Atapuerca” under the category Pliocene-Pleistocene Spanish deposits of vertebrate.
On the one hand, some findings are of 800 000 years ago, and even up to 1.2 million years. This changed our theories about who was the first settler in Europe and when occupied, where it came from and what their characteristics. Moreover, some remains characterized by a collective form, not from isolated individuals. (Spanish Wikipedia)
More information:
Archaeological Site of Atapuerca
Atapuerca Foundation
Website of Juan Luis Arsuaga

New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television is a television broadcaster based in New York City, with correspondents in over 70 cities worldwide. The company was founded by Falun Gong practitioners. Its stated mission is to bring truthful and uncensored information into and out of China; to restore and promote traditional Chinese culture; and to facilitate mutual understanding between the East and West. (Wikipedia)

Anna Chan:
An next and exciting discovery in Spain. Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest known European jawbone. Scientists say this latest find proves that early humans may have roamed Europe as early as 1.2 million years ago. Here's more.
The Atapuerca research team is credited with the discovery of the oldest known European jawbone.
It was found in the Sierra de Atapuerca in northern Spain. Bones, fossils and stone tools of the earliest known hominids in Europe have been found in several caves there.
In a paper published in the journal Nature, Spanish researchers say the new find is around 400,000 years older than other remains found at a nearby site 14 years ago.
Research team members say they have many reasons to be happy.
[Jose Luis Arzuaga, Researcher]:
"Today we can celebrate and we can afford to feel satisfied, not only about the publication but also because the research is going very well in a broader way."
Up to now archaeologists had found evidence of human activity in Spain, France and Italy dated at around 1 million years ago but no human remains, only animal bones and stone tools.

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