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Sesame Street: Elmo's Got the Moves (Sesame Street)
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Elmo, Big Bird and Abby sing "Elmo's Got the Moves!"


Elmo's got the moves!
Have you got the moves?
Elmo's got the moves!
Anytime, anywhere, on the floor, in a chair,
Elmo's got the moves!

Show Elmo what you got when it's cold or when it's hot.
Elmo's got the moves!
Take a tap, a clap, a wiggle and a jump.
Elmo's got the moves!
Maria has the moves!
Liev got the moves!
Abby got the moves!

Have you got the moves?
Anyplace, anywhere, on the ground, in the air,
Abby's got the moves!
Show Abby what you got, what is magic or not!
Abby's got the moves!
Now, twirl, twirl, water in a pot, Abby's got the moves!

What, what?
We all got the moves!
We all got the moves!

Show me!
Show Elmo!
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!
Show me all your moves!
Sh-sh-sh-show me all your moves!

Big Bird got the moves!
And you got the moves!
Got the beak, beak, the waddle and the wing!
Big Bird's got the moves!

We-we all got the moves!
We-we-we all got the moves!

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