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UptoFaith global dance 2011 -trailer (Hungarian)
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A video calling for the biggest flashmob ever. Eventually, 36 cities answered the call and on Easter Sunday 2011, a group of people from every city danced to the suggested choreography and sent their video to the organizers. You can watch a mixer of many of those videos here:

Up To Faith Global Dancing 2011 and also the video they produced so people could learn the choreography.

You can register for the next, global dance on

If it can happen to one person, it can happen to anyone.
Until now, you've managed to avoid him, but the time will come when your +++ meet.

If he calls, step out.
A multitude with many faces, but one thing in common:
Faith that will overcome the world.

Here it comes again, starts a new day
Morning coffee down, you’re on your way
Message coming in, duty’s calling
Work and home again, night is falling
On the cloudy side, life’s a treadmill
No one there to help, climbing up hill
Time repeats the pain, class in session
How to overcome, that’s the lesson

When it’s up to faith, be the difference
It’s not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring

When it’s up to faith, be the difference
It’s not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring

What’s the word today, who will lead us
Living Word today, only Jesus
Coming back to home, tears to laughter
Happy ending found here and after

- A celebration for all the people on the earth on Resurrection Sunday.

When it’s up to faith, be the difference
It’s not up to fate, go the distance
Once upon a time, write the story
People up to faith, hearts restoring

What’s the word today, who will lead us
Living Word today, only Jesus
Coming back to home, tears to laughter
Happy ending found here and after
Happy ending found here and after
Happy ending found here and after

- Coming soon

Here and after

- Up to Faith Global Dance, April 2011. It's where you belong.

MANAGED= If you manage to do something, you succeed in doing it, you are able to do it (implying some kind of difficulty).

AVOID= If you avoid something, you try to stay away from it.
This verb is followed by –ing: You must avoid talking to him (= you must try not to talk to him)

STEP OUT= Come forth, move forwards.

OVERCOME THE WORLD= To overcome is to defeat, to conquer, but the Christian expression “to overcome the world” means to be able to resist temptation and be good in spite of all the bad influences around us.

ON THE CLOUDY SIDE= From a pessimistic point of view.

TREADMILL= A mechanism rotated by people treading on the moving steps of a wheel. It is used in fitness centres to run on it (see picture). But it is also the kind of trap we often see on TV, when a mouse in a laboratory is running inside a circular treadmill (see picture) So the metaphor is that you run and run but get nowhere, it's pointless.

WHEN IT’S UP TO FAITH= When we refer to faith, talk about faith.
Example: He’s never careful about other people’s things, but when it’s up to his own things, he gets very angry if you’re not careful. “Up to Faith” is also the organization who wrote this song and is organizing the international flashmob event.

FATE= Destiny.

GO THE DISTANCE= Never give up, keep to the end.

ONCE UPON A TIME…= This is the usual way traditional tales begin. It means, more or less “this happened a long time ago”.

LIVING WORD= In Christianity, the “living word”, that is, the person who embodies God’s will (his word) is Jesus.

COMING BACK TO HOME= Home is where you belong, so your ultimate home is heaven, with God.

HERE AND AFTER= Now and forever.

RESURRECTION SUNDAY= also Ester Sunday, the day Christians celebrate when Jesus rose from the dead (came back to life after he was killed).

UP TO FAITH GLOBAL DANCE= The international (global) dance organized by

WHERE YOU BELONG= The right place for you.

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