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The Dinosaur Problem (Peg + Cat)
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An episode of Peg + Cat. Peg is The main character, together with Cat. She is a young girl who wears a red hat and blue dress. She explains the situation in each episode directly to the "camera", announces when they have "a big problem", and reasons out solutions to math-related problems. During songs, she pulls out a ukelele and plays it. She has a special blue marble hidden under her hat. Her favorite crayon is "little bluey". She is voiced by Hayley Faith Negrin.

When Peg and Cat get lost riding dinosaurs through a prehistoric forest, they use a diagram to find their way to safety before the Baby T-Rex catches up to them.


- When dinosaurs walked the earth... is now! Yup! Cat and I are in the Prehistoric Valley, with our dino buddies! This is Stegosaurus. She's got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven plates!
- Mmmmmrph!
- And this here is Triceratops. He's got one, two, three horns.
- Horn horn horn.
- And finally, meet Brachiosaurus. He's got only one tail. And that's a good thing.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, I've got an idea! Let's go check out the super stupendous view from that ridge!
- Out there? But what if we get lost?
- Don't you worry, Cat! What could hurt us? We're brave explorers!
- We are?
- That's the spirit! I see the ridge! But first we have to get past this muddy trail. Dinosaurs love making patterns in the mud.
- What kind of patterns?
- Bouncy patterns!
- Oof!
- ♪ Step, step, bounce ♪ ♪ Step, step, bounce! ♪ ♪ I'd like to announce The pattern amounts ♪ ♪ To step, step, bounce!
- Mmmrph, mmmrph, mmmrph! ♪
- ♪ Step, step, bounce!
- That's my spine! ♪
- ♪ You can jostle and jounce but the pattern that counts ♪ ♪ Is step, step, bounce
- Horn, horn, horn! ♪
- ♪ Everybody who mounts Feels their dinosaur pounce And step, step, bounce ♪ ♪ Step, step, bounce! ♪ We made it! What happened to you?
- Step step bounce...step...
- Don't worry, Cat. I just know you'll feel better when you see... Dun, dun, dun! The super stupendous view!
- I feel... pretty much the same.
- Oh no! There's a huge boulder blocking the view! And with the boulder in the way, we can't view the view! This is a BIG PROBLEM! And look! The boulder's so big that a dinosaur can't move it out of the way. In fact, not even 2 dinosaurs can move the boulder! Wow, not even 3 dinosaurs can move it! What could it possibly take to make this boulder budge?! Cat's bottom, that's what! You helped push the boulder with your tush, you amazing tush-pushing Cat! And so... ♪ Problem solved ♪ ♪ The problem is solved! We solved the problem! ♪ ♪ Problem solved! ♪
- Mmmmrph! - Hooooooooorn!
- See? Didn't I tell you the view was incredible? What is it, Cat? Do you want more credit for moving that boulder with your bottom?
- Uh, I don't think it's a boulder.
- Uh, you're right! I think it's an egg! And it's hatching! But what kind of egg is it?!
- Raaaaaaaah!
- That would be a baby T-Rex.
- I thought all you could say was "horn."
- I can say other things. I just find "horn" does the trick, most of the time.
- That's okay, heh. I mean, T-Rex's are scary and all, but it's not like it's even seen us or anything.
- Raaaaaaaah!
- Okay, so it's seen us, with its eyes, but it's not like it's walking towards us or anyth-- Okay, it totally is. Run! Okay, so we're kinda lost. And we're kinda being chased by a T-Rex. And it's kind of a REALLY BIG PROBLEM! But things could be worse. Do you have any Graham crackers?
- Nope.
- It's worse! What are we going to do?! But if we can get through the forest, I think we can find the path back to the valley. Just be careful, everyone. There's all kinds of crazy, prehistoric plants in this forest, and if you don't watch out you'll get—
- Tangled up?
- Yeah! How'd you know, Cat?
- Wild guess.
- Cat! Get out of that bush!
- I can't. I'm tangled, and loving it.
- Huh. This bush has three of these tangly balls... Triceratops, I bet you could use your three horns to poke through the balls, and free Cat! - Oh, really, don't bother about me.
- Go ahead, Triceratops! Give it a shot.
- Horn?
- You don't understand what I'm talking about, huh?
- Horn.
- I know! I'll draw you a diagram! A diagram is a picture that shows you how to do something! So, first back up. Then line up just right. Then run towards the bush, and use your three horns... to poke the three balls on the plant...and set Cat free!
- I get it now! I'm a visual learner. Here we go!
- I'm free! It's been fun.
- C'mon, guys, we've gotta keep moving! Just remember to keep a close eye on your surroundings. We don't want another-- Aw, man. This sticks.
- You okay, Peg? Should I go play with the yarn bush some more?
- No, but don't come any closer! There are 7 of these sticky, prickly things, so you guys could get stuck too! Wait a minute-- seven! Just like Stegosaurus has 7 plates on her back!
- Mmmrph?
- Stegosaurus, use your 7 plates to get rid of the 7 sticky pears!
- Mmmrph...
- I don't think she gets it.
- All right, I'll just have to draw another diagram! Here's you, Stegosaurus. And here's the bush. First, back up. Then duck low to the ground, then run as fast as you can into the bush, so your 7 plates knock off the 7 sticky pears.
- Mmmmrph! 
- Raaaa raaaa raaaaaaaaaaaaa!
- T-Rex! Run!
- I see the trail that'll lead us to the valley! It's just across this river! C'mon! We'll have to swim across!
- I don't know how to swim!
- Then you can get on my back! Come on!
- Well?
- I just remembered, I don't know how to swim either.
- Rah!
- Wait, I know! Brachiosaurus, lay your tail over the river, and we'll run across it! Right, right, draw a diagram, sorry. Here's the river. And here's your tail. Smash it down over the river. Then hold it in a straight line, so we can run across!
- Rah?
- We made it! - Raaaaawr! - Aiieeefedeh! - "Aiieeefedeh?"
- I don't know, it just came out!
- Look, everyone, the T-Rex is still following us! We'd better go over the trail, and get back to the safe valley fast! Wait a minute! Oh no! These are the holes the dinosaurs made on the way over! They're huge and we can't get around them! And if we can't get around the holes, then we'll never get back to the valley. And if we can't get back to the valley-- Wait...I totally lost my train of thought. What's going to happen if we don't get back to the valley?
- The T-Rex?
- Right, the T-Rex! I mean, the T-REX! Cat's right, I should count backwards from five to calm down. Five, four, three, two, one! A pattern! You did it again, you a-MAAA-zing pattern-making cat!
- Hm?
 When the dinosaurs went over the muddy trail, they walked in a pattern: step, step, bounce. Riiiight?
- Mm-hmm! - So we can walk in a new pattern to get over the big deep puddles. We gotta step, step, LEAP! Cat is the smartest animal in history!
- Well...prehistory. - Raaaaaah!
- Step, step, leap in a pattern! And hurry!
- ♪ Step, step, LEAP! ♪
- Oh no, not again with the tail!
- ♪ Step, step, LEAP! ♪ ♪ Getting over holes When holes are deep ♪ ♪ You step, step, LEAP!
- Horn, horn, HORN! ♪
- ♪ Step, step, LEAP! ♪ - RAAAAAAWR!
- Run!
- ♪ No need to make a single peep ♪ ♪ Just step, step, LEAP!
- Mmmmrph, mmmrph, MMMMMRPH! ♪
- ♪ No time to stroll No time to sleep ♪ ♪ Just step, step, LEAP!
- Horn, horn, HORN! ♪
- ♪ Step, step, LEAP! ♪ We're back in the Prehistoric Valley! We're saved!
- Uh, Peg—
- Because we used diagrams to plan things, math really saved our tails!
- Peg, uh, there's kind of a--- Ah!
- Don't worry, Cat! We're safe in the valley!
- So... problem solved! - Horn!
- ♪ The problem is solved!
- Mmrph! ♪
- ♪ We solved the problem!
- What about the T-Rex? ♪
- ♪ Problem solved! ♪ What about the T-Rex?
- Raaaaawr!
- Oh no! Eesh, um...nice T-Rex. Good T-Rex. Um... you like Graham crackers?
- We don't have any Graham crackers.
- Not that we have any. Just making conversation...
- Stop there! Be calm. Stay.
- Ramone! That hat looks great on you! I mean, what are you doing here?
- Hey, Peg! I'm actually working as a T-Rex trainer.
- A T-Rex trainer?! This guy.
- Be gentle, little guy, be calm. (purring) See, at this age, they're quite easy to train. And quite friendly!
- Ramone, you are so amazing! And you look great in that hat.
- I do what I can!
- Cat and I just came here to play with the dinosaurs, maybe ride 'em, but you're all, like, taming them, and—
- Actually, Peg, I love dino-rides. And I have an idea for a new one that includes the T-Rex! - No way.
- Way! Check out this diagram!
- This is the coolest ride ever! What are we waiting for? Let's ride!
- ♪ When you're riding on a dino, start off nice and high! ♪ ♪ Slide on down his spine-o And get flipped ♪ ♪ Into the sky!
- Do triple-hops off Triceratops Like a champion diver! ♪
- ♪ Show your flair when in mid- air and give me a high-fiver! ♪
- ♪ Bounce down the 7 plates Off 4 Tyrannosaurus toes! ♪
- ♪ Then swing along and sing a song ♪ ♪ And the chorus goes...
- Do it like I drew it in the diagram! ♪
- ♪ Like assembling a Swedish chair
- Everything you need is there ♪
- ♪ Things seem less complicated When properly illustrated ♪
- ♪ Do it! - Like he drew it!
- In the diagram! ♪
- Um, Ramone, I'm confused. This part of the diagram shows us being carried off by a giant bird.
- And here it comes now! (laughing and shouting) ♪ Do it like I drew it In the diagram! ♪
- ♪ When you think there can't be more
- You're flying on a pterosaur ♪
- ♪ Diagrams are quite effective At giving you ♪ ♪ A broad perspective!
- Do it...
- Like he drew it... ♪
- ♪ In the diagram! ♪
- ♪ Horn, horn, horn, horn, horn! ♪
- That's it: I am only going to say "horn" from now on.
- Horn!
- No other words.
- Knock knock.
- Who's there?
- But wait.
- But wait who?
- But wait, you just said five words that weren't horn! (laughing)
- You gotta commit. Horn!

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